
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:enlic
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近年我们对山茶嫁接加以改进,利用5—10天生的油茶嫩芽嫁接山茶花,结果1~1年半就可出圃。方法如下: 一、培育砧木用本地产普通油茶种子催芽,待胚芽长到6厘米长且尚未木质化时,便可用于嫁接。二、采集接穗选取位于树的中上部、芽体饱满、无病虫害的半木质化或木质化春梢作接穗。三、嫁接方法一般在5月中旬至6月中旬以及9月上中旬嫁接。首先,把芽砧洗净,从种子上部胚芽2厘米处切断,再用薄刀片从断口中心纵切,切口长约1厘米。然后从穗条上切取带叶的芽,芽的下端长1.5厘米,上端长0.5厘米,下部要削成一个长约1厘米的楔形面,叶子也要切去一半。削好后立即插入砧木内,使二者形成层对齐,并用2.5厘米长、0.7厘米宽的牙膏皮绑紧,使接穗与芽砧紧密接合。四、嫁接苗栽植用河沙作成厚20厘米、宽1米的床,长视场地而定。同时在其上方搭好荫棚,棚高1.7米左右。在栽植前两天,将沙床 In recent years, we improve the camellia graft, the use of 5-10 born Camellia buds grafted camellia, the results of 1 to 1 year and a half can be nursery. The method is as follows: First, cultivate rootstock with ordinary local Germination Camellia oleifera germination, germination until 6 cm long and not yet lignified, it can be used for grafting. Second, collecting scion selection Located in the upper part of the tree, bud full, no pests or diseases of semi-lignified or limed spring scion. Third, the grafting method is generally mid-May to mid-June and mid-September grafting. First, the anvil wash, cut from the seed germ 2 cm Department, and then use a thin blade longitudinal cut from the center of the incision, about 1 cm incision. The cut leaves were then cut from the top of the spike. The lower end of the shoot was 1.5 cm long and the upper end 0.5 cm long. The lower part was cut into a wedge-shaped surface about 1 cm long and the leaves cut in half. Immediately after sharpening, insert into the rootstock to align the layers and secure with a toothpaste skin 2.5 cm long and 0.7 cm wide to bring the scion into close contact with the bud anvil. Fourth, grafted seedlings planted with river sand made of thick 20 cm, 1 m wide bed, depending on the site may be. At the same time take a good shade above it, shed about 1.7 meters high. Two days before planting, the bed will be sand
一、发芽前做好两方面工作 1.结合修剪将僵果、病枝、死枝剪除,集中烧毁或深埋,以防治桃疮痂病、桃褐腐病和桃穿孔病。2.在红蜘蛛为害严重的果园喷布3—5度的石硫合剂或5%柴
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