在省政府重视下 省直机关事业参保单位大会在榕召开 养老保险新的规范政策正式出台

来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:srldf
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9月25日,省劳动保障厅、省财政厅在福州联合召开省直参保单位大会,对省政府办公厅最近下发的有关规范省直机关事业单位工作人员养老保险的112号文件进行贯彻部署。涉及到贯彻部署的政策内容有35条,主要的有改“双基数”为“单基数”的缴费办法,离退休人员的养老金不再作为缴纳养老保险费的基数;已参保的事业单位成建制改为企业后,原已参保人员仍执行机关事业单位养老保险制度,但改制后的新增人员要执行企业职工基本养老保险制度,退休后在按企业职工养老保险办法计发养老金基础上,将按国家有关规定加发补贴,并继续由省机关社保局经办;参保人员的个人缴费从今 On September 25, the Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security and the Provincial Department of Finance jointly convened a direct provincial unit of insurance in Fuzhou to carry out the No. 112 document on the regulation of endowment insurance for provincial staff and workers directly under the provincial government’s office deploy. There are 35 policies concerning the implementation of the plan. The major ones include “double cardinality” and “single base card.” Pension for retirees ceases to be the base for the payment of old-age insurance premiums. After the establishment of the PSUs into enterprises, the original insured staff still implement the pension insurance system of the government agencies and public institutions. However, the new personnel after the reform should implement the basic old-age insurance system for enterprise employees. After retirement, Based on the calculation of the pension, additional subsidies will be issued in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and continue to be handled by the provincial agency Social Insurance Bureau. The individual contributions of the insured persons will be paid from today
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