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多角度立意,是指作者在审读所给材料、把握材料的主旨寓意的基础上,从材料的诸多角度出发,提炼出最佳切合材料内蕴本质的观点。提供单则材料写议论文怎样进行多角度立意呢?主要从以下五个方面进行思考。一、彼此角度根据一则材料立意时,可以从彼角度进行思考,也可以从此角度进行分析。思维从一方到另一方,善于跳跃,善于应变。材料1:有幅漫画的大意是:猪八戒端坐镜前,镜中照出的八戒丑陋难看,八戒气愤地抡起铁耙,把镜子打得粉碎;待八戒要瞧地上的碎镜片时,镜片无论大小,每一个里面都有一个丑陋的八戒。彼:从镜子角度看,虽被砸成碎片,但还如实反映出丑陋的八戒,可以概括出:坚持真理,不畏强暴。 Multi-angle conception means that the author extracts the best view of the essence of materials from the perspectives of materials, based on reading the materials given and grasping the material meaning of the materials. How to provide a multi-angle opinion on how to provide single-item materials to write arguments? Mainly from the following five aspects. First, the angle of each other can be considered from the perspective of one material, and it can be analyzed from this perspective. Thinking from one side to the other, good at jumping and good at resilience. Material 1: The meaning of a comic book is: Before the pigs sit in the mirror, the eight rings in the mirror are ugly and ugly. The Eight Rings angrily pick up the shovels and crush the mirrors. After the eight rings are broken, the broken lenses are removed. At that time, the lenses were large and small, and each had an ugly ring. He: From a mirror point of view, although it has been smashed into pieces, it still accurately reflects the ugly jealousy, which can be summarized as follows: Stick to the truth and resist violence.
在278. 15~323. 15 K下采用静态平衡法测定了地高辛在乙醇、甲醇、异丙醇、甲醇-水体系(甲醇体积分数为80%)及乙醇-水体系(乙醇体积分数为80%、60%、40%、20%)中的溶解度数据