A four-channel microelectronic system for neural signal regeneration

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Orange_zz
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This paper presents a microelectronic system which is capable of making a signal record and functional electric stimulation of an injured spinal cord.As a requirement of implantable engineering for the regeneration microelectronic system,the system is of low noise,low power,small size and high performance.A front-end circuit and two high performance OPAs (operational amplifiers) have been designed for the system with different functions,and the two OPAs are a low-noise low-power two-stage OPA and a constant-g m RTR input and output OPA.The system has been realized in CSMC 0.5-μm CMOS technology.The test results show that the system satisfies the demands of neuron signal regeneration. As a requirement of implantable engineering for the regeneration microelectronic system, the system is of low noise, low power, small size and high performance.A front-end circuit and two high performance OPAs (operational amplifiers) have been designed for the system with different functions, and the two OPAs are a low-noise low-power two-stage OPA and a constant-g m RTR input and output OPA. The system has been realized in CSMC 0.5-μm CMOS technology. The test results show that the system satisfies the demands of neuron signal regeneration.
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郑有群是文昌市龙楼镇红海村委会主任,也是一名美名远播的农民企业家。在其位谋其政,郑有群作为一名优秀的党员干部,用真情为群众办实事,带领村民共同致富,赢得村民赞许。如今,他把更多的时间投入公益活动上,关心家乡的教育,关注老师的生活,对生活有困难的家庭给予援助,成为人们口中的“红海好人”。  很早之前,通往红海村的路是一条泥土路,晴天坎坷不平,尘土飞扬,阴天坑洼积水,泥泞不堪,严重影响了红海村的经济发