打牢基础 抓住关键

来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenger_123
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2008年以来,国际金融危机愈演愈烈,对我国经济运行造成明显的压力。在国际国内形势的大背景下,如何做好2009年的经济社会发展工作?根据兵团党委六届二次全委(扩大)会议精神,农十师党委理清了今后的发展思路,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,以经济建设为中心,以职工增收和团场企业增效为主线,以优势资源转换为抓手,深化以团场为重点的各项改革,加快以农业为重点的结构调整,推进以水利电力为重点的基础建设,统筹发展社会各项事业,更加注重改善民生,全力促进农十师经济社会又好又快发展。 Since 2008, the international financial crisis intensified, causing obvious pressure on the economic operation of our country. Under the general background of the international and domestic situation, how to do a good job in economic and social development in 2009? According to the spirit of the second plenary session (enlarged) of the 6th session of the Corps’ party committees, the ten-year division of the agricultural division clarified the future development train of thought and thoroughly implemented The scientific concept of development takes economic construction as the center, the workers’ income increase and the synergy of enterprises and enterprises in the field as the main line, taking the transformation of advantageous resources as the starting point, deepening various reforms focused on the field of delegations, accelerating the structural adjustment focusing on agriculture, We will promote infrastructure that focuses on water, power and electricity, co-ordinate the development of various social undertakings, pay more attention to improving the livelihood of the people and make every effort to promote the sound and rapid economic and social development of agriculture ten divisions.
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摘要 后现代和后结构的主体是分裂的。拉康认为,代表社会秩序的语言对个体欲望的整理造成了无意识中能指的流转和所指的流动,从而造成了分裂的自我,语言的实质是隐喻,但隐喻所象征的所欲对象已遗失,因此无意识中只有能指而没有所指,无意识是语言的全部结构,是他者话语。拉康通过将结构主义语言学运用于心理分析,指出了社会意识形态对主体意识的塑造作用,对于理解后现代主义、后结构主义、女性主义、文化研究等有重大意义。
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