Tailoring active compounds across biological membranes by cubosomal technology: an updated review

来源 :Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tianic
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It is challenging for many drugs to be transported across various biological membranes. Furthermore, development of many drugs gets thwarted owing to their hydrophilic nature. The bioavailability of such drugs, which is the function of their ability to cross the membrane, tends to be low and exhibit high intra and inter subject variability. At present, formulation scientists are pursuing many projects for transdermal, nasal, target delivery of many active compounds, and it is prudent to explore alternative possibilities. Cubosomes offer transportation and tailoring of active compounds intended for both systemic and dermal delivery. Cubosomes are dispersed, self-assembled nanoparticles of bicontinuous cubic liquid crystalline phase formed from lipid and surfactant systems. Monoolein, poloxamer 407 and polyvinyl alcohol are the mostly used ingredients in the formulation of cubosomes. The adjustment in lipid composition can control the internal and structural changes of cubosomes. Based on the nodal surfaces, three structures of cubosomes proposed are Pn3m, Ia3d and Im3m. Top-down and bottom-up techniques are widely considered in the formulation process of extreme viscous bulk phase and aggregate from a precursor respectively. This article gives a bird’s eye view about the engineering, characterization and evaluation of cubosomes, covering researches and applications of cubosomes done till date. The development of many drugs gets thwarted owing to their hydrophilic nature. The bioavailability of such drugs, which is the function of their ability to cross the membrane, tends to be low and exhibit high intra and inter subject variability. At present, formulation scientists are pursuing many projects for transdermal, nasal, target delivery of many active compounds, and it is prudent to explore alternative possibilities. Cubosomes offer transportation and tailoring of active compounds intended for both systemic and dermal delivery. Cubosomes are dispersed, self-assembled nanoparticles of bicontinuous cubic liquid crystalline phase formed from lipid and surfactant systems. Monoolein, poloxamer 407 and polyvinyl alcohol are the mostly used ingredients in the formulation of cubosomes. The adjustment in lipid composition can control the internal and structural changes of cubosomes. Based o n the nodal surfaces, three structures of cubosomes proposed are Pn3m, Ia3d and Im3m. Top-down and bottom-up techniques are widely considered in the formulation process of extreme viscous bulk phase and aggregate from a precursor respectively. This article gives a bird’s eye view about the engineering, characterization and evaluation of cubosomes, covering researches and applications of cubosomes done till date.
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