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本文应用史学方法、中西兽医结合方法,以临床实践为指导,通过对《痊骥通玄论·马患点痛真诀》篇的考释,纠正了该篇一段标点之误,查出脱字十二个,考证了不同医马古籍中该篇畀骨、髀骨、鼻骨等,认为它们均为卑骨(即今副腕骨)之讹。通过考证还认为该篇合子骨为今第一、二、三、四跗骨之总称,曲尺骨为今距骨与中央跗骨之总称。攒筋为指浅和指深两屈肌腱,板筋为蹄系悬韧带及其内的指腱鞘环状韧带,乌筋为趾外侧和趾长伸肌腱,也可能是腓肠肌腱。膊筋为固定牵拉膊骨的肌腱群,脊筋为附着在脊椎上的肌腱群。本文还探讨了点痛诊断及其与跛行诊断的关系,提出了点痛诊断不完全是跛行诊断,今天仍用点痛来代替跛行,是历史上沿习而来的论点。 This article applies the method of historiography, the combination of Chinese and Western veterinarians, guided by clinical practice, and through the examination and explanation of the article “The True Tactics of Pains in the General and Complete Diseases of Tongji”, corrects the mistakes of the punctuation in this paragraph, A, textual research of different ancient medical articles in the book stapes, stapes, nasal bone, etc., that they are all humble (that is, today’s carpal bones) of the error. Through the textual research, we also consider that the zygotic bone is the general name of the first, second, third and fourth tarsal bones, and the curved bones are the general term of the present tarsal bone and central tarsal bone. Save tendons for the shallow and finger deep flexor tendons, tendons hoof suspension ligaments and the inner tendon sheath ring ligament, the tendon for the toe and long toe extensor tendon, may also be the gastrocnemius tendon. The tendon is a group of tendons that fixedly pull the collarbone, and the tendon is a tendon group attached to the spine. This article also discusses the diagnosis of point pain and its relationship with the diagnosis of claudication. It is proposed that the diagnosis of point pain is not completely a diagnosis of lameness, but the point that pain is used instead of lameness is still a historical contention.
This report, will argue the process, of the disappearance of the blade technique and the microblade technique. We know many sites where blade cores and microbl