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激情,是语文的底色。但所有陈述“语文何为”的句子,似乎都没有把激情直截了当地置于重要的位置。我们说,语文是对诗意的追寻;我们说,语文是要呵护学生心底最柔软的东西;我们说,语文是要为学生打好精神的底子。可是忘了追加一句,所有这些理想的信念,无不需要激情的支撑。教师没有了激情,追寻诗意的课堂就成了一句空话。语文课往往是靠激情获得力量的。许多人在回忆自己的精神发展史时,都会提到语文老师的人格魅力,提到语文课堂的情感温润,甚至他们的生命轨迹,可能就是由一堂充满激情的语文课偶然决定的。下文中龙小华老师选择当教师,不就是因为倾倒于大学时代吴老先生课堂上的激情风采吗?反之,一堂没有激情涌流的语文课,是无力给学生的心灵留下印迹的。请回忆一下,中小学时代那么多语文课,哪些课给你留下了深刻的印象?除非是流淌着激情的,除非是拨动了你心弦的,你才会梦牵魂系,刻骨铭心。非但语文课,就是其他学科甚至理科的课堂,也同样需要激情的滋润。什么样的教师算是优秀的?仁者见仁,智者见智。我们以为最简单实用的定义,就是他有本事让学生对自己所教的学科如痴如醉,也就是说,他能点燃学生对本门学科的激情。就像心灵只能由心灵唤醒一样,激情也只有激情能够点燃。一个不热爱数学的老师,是难以让学生 Passion, is the language background. But none of the sentences that state “what the language is” did not seem to place the passion straightforward. We say that language is the search for poetic meaning; we say that language is to care for the softest thing in the heart of a student; we say that language is the foundation for laying a good foundation for students. But forget the additional sentence, all of these ideal faith, all need passionate support. Teachers without passion, the pursuit of poetic classroom became an empty talk. Chinese lessons often rely on passion to gain strength. Many people recall the charisma of language teachers when recalling their spiritual development. Mentioning that the emotional warmth of language classrooms and even their trajectory of life may have been accidentally decided by a passionate Chinese class can not be ignored. In the following, Xiao Longhua teachers choose to be teachers, not because of dumping in the college days Wu Lao passionate style? On the contrary, a passionate Chinese class, is unable to impress the students mind. Please recall, so many primary and secondary school language lessons, what lesson left a deep impression on you? Unless it is flowing passion, unless it is to dial your heart, you will dream of the soul system, unforgettable. Not only Chinese class, is the subject of other sciences and even the classroom, but also the need for passion for moisture. What kind of teacher is excellent? Benevolent see the benevolent, the wise see the wisdom. We think the most simple and practical definition is that he has the ability to make students intoxicated by the discipline they teach, that is, he can ignite the students passion for this discipline. Just as the mind can only wake up from the heart, the passion can only ignite. A teacher who does not love mathematics is hard to get students
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