Maintenance of cooperation induced by punishment in public goods games

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Victsman
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In this paper, we study the public goods games with punishment by adopting the well-known approximate best response dynamics. It shows that the evolution of cooperation is affected by two aspects when other parameters are fixed. One is the punishment mechanism which can avoid the dilemma of lacking investment, and the other is the degree of rationality. Theoretical analysis and numerical results indicate that the existence of punishment mechanism and distribution of rationality are the keys to the enhancement of cooperation level. We also testify that they can heavily influence the payoffs of system as well. The findings in this paper may provide a deeper understanding of some social dilemmas. In this paper, we study the public goods games with punishment by adopting the well-known approximate best response dynamics. It shows that the evolution of cooperation is affected by two aspects when other parameters are fixed. One is the punishment mechanism which can avoid the Theoretical analysis and numerical results indicate that the existence of punishment mechanism and distribution of rationality are the keys to the enhancement of cooperation level. We also testify that they can heavily influence the payoffs of system as well. The findings in this paper may provide a deeper understanding of some social dilemmas.
茫茫太空,斗转星移,有无尽的奥秘等待着人类去探索,有无尽的神奇吸引着人类去追求。那么,让我们一起来读《军事文摘·科学少年》杂志吧!  看看这本杂志里的精彩内容:《让我们去火星》一文介绍了火星上的奇妙景色,描绘了人类未来居住在火星的情景;《勇敢的战士 —军犬》,写了怎样成为军犬中的侦察犬、扫雷犬、训练犬;《动手学天文》则教给我们如何自己动手进行小天文制作,好玩简单有趣,让我们深深着迷……  梦想很遥
本刊讯1月30日,第三届中国国土区域城市经济学家新春联谊会在北京举行。中国城市经济学会副会长、中国社会科学院原副院长龙永枢,中国城市经济学会副会长、著名经济学家、 X
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