提升组织“三力” 践行群众路线

来源 :党员生活(湖北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuqs
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自第二批党的群众路线教育实践活动开展以来,武汉市硚口区荣华街玉带社区党委积极谋划、主动作为,扎实开展以“为民务实清廉”为主题的教育实践活动,在联系群众、服务群众、发动群众方面下工夫,为社区居民营造了和谐幸福的居住环境。 Since the launching of the mass line education practice by the second batch of parties, the party committee of Jade Belt Communities in Ronghua Street, Qiaokou District, Wuhan has taken the initiative to plan and take the initiative as a practical education activity with the theme of The masses, serve the masses, mobilize the masses to make efforts to create a harmonious and happy living environment for community residents.
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