
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shize
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Objectives: Fatigue is a common complaint in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We investigated whether focal or general disturbances of cerebral blood flow (CBF)- , as assessed by SPECT, were associated with the presence of fatigue in an unselected group of SLE patients. Methods: Fifty- six patients were included. Mean age was 47.5 years (± 12.7), mean disease duration 14.7 years (± 8.9), and disease activity measured by SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) was 5.7 (± 5.4). Fatigue was assessed by the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and CBF by Tc- 99m- hexamethyl propylamine oxime (HMPAO)- SPECT. The images were read and processed quantitatively by a computer program using the primary visual cortex as reference region and >15% CBF deviation as definition of abnormality. Results: The mean FSS score was 4.6 (± 1.8). SPECT revealed focal CBF disturbances in 17 patients (30.4% ). Generalized symmetrical CBF reductions were present in 32 patients (57.1% ). There were no significant associations between CBF disturbances in any region of the brain and the degree of fatigue. Conclusions: Fatigue in SLE patients is not related to focal or general CBF disturbances. Therefore, factors that do not influence blood flow seem responsible for the fatigue phenomenon. Objectives: Fatigue is a common complaint in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We investigated whether focal or general disturbances of cerebral blood flow (CBF) -, as assessed by SPECT, were associated with the presence of fatigue in an unselected group of SLE patients. Methods: Fifty-six patients were included. Mean age was 47.5 years (± 12.7), mean disease duration 14.7 years (± 8.9), and disease activity measured by SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) . Fatigue was assessed by the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and CBF by Tc- 99m-hexamethyl propylamine oxime (HMPAO) -SPECT. The images were read and processed quantitatively by a computer program using the primary visual cortex as reference region and> 15 Results: The mean FSS score was 4.6 (± 1.8). SPECT revealed focal CBF disturbances in 17 patients (30.4%). Generalized symmetrical CBF reductions were present in 32 patients (57.1%). There were no sign lusions ant ant ant ant ant ificant associations between CBF disturbances in any region of the brain and the degree of fatigue. Conclusions: Fatigue in SLE patients is not related to focal or general CBF disturbances.
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近年来地震灾害频发,提高防震减灾的意识,加强应急避险能力显得尤为重要。近期,《小星星》小记者团联合东湖区青少年宫宣教中心,成功举办防震减灾科普活动。  来自南昌市石头街小学的33名小记者参加了此次活动,通过讲解员的详细讲述及地震模拟实验,他们对地震发生的原理、地震预测预报、地震自救互救知识有了进一步的了解,并观看了寓教于乐、轻松有趣的地震科普动画片。在由《小星星》编辑——星星姐姐主持的防震知识小竞