Simulation of energy and water balance in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer system in the mountain

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iamasg_wql
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In the mountain area of inland Heihe River Basin at Hexi Corridor of northwest China during the vegetation growing season from May to September, the Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) model of Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) system is applied to simulating and studying energy and water balance of the soil-residue-plant canopy layers in the Picea crassifolia forest and the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope and the grassland at the sun-facing slope. The simulation of energy balance indicates that net radiation of the grass- land at the sun-facing slope is more than that of the Picea crassifolia forest and the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope. The energy outgoing components are the first latent heat and next sensible heat from the grassland both at the shaded slope and the sun-facing slope, but those at the former are less. The energy outgoing components are the first sensible heat and next latent heat from the Picea crassifolia forest. The composition and distribution of energy in the soil-residue-plant canopy layers in the Picea crassifolia forest and the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope make the soil layer receive less energy, which therefore, especially the forest possesses the energy conditions for soil water conservation. The simulation of water balance indicates that the water loss of the grassland at the sun-facing slope is mainly caused by soil evaporation, while evapotranspiration of the Picea crassifolia forest and the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope is less than that of the grassland at the sun-facing slope. Half of the evapotranspiration of the Picea crassifolia forest and the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope is consumed by transpiration. After precipitation, the soil water storage is increased much more for the Picea crassifolia forest and also more for the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope. Therefore the shaded slope vegetation, especially the forest is favorable for soil water storage. In the mountain area of ​​inland Heihe River Basin at Hexi Corridor of northwest China during the vegetation growing season from May to September, the Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) model of Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) system is applied to simulating and studying energy and water balance of the soil-residue-plant canopy layers in the Picea crassifolia forest and the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope and the grassland at the sun-facing slope. The simulation of energy balance indicates that net radiation of the grass- land at the sun-facing slope is more than that of the Picea crassifolia forest and the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope. The energy outgoing components are the first latent heat and next sensible heat from the grassland both at the shaded slope and the sun-facing slope, but those at the former are less. The energy outgoing components are the first sensible heat and next latent heat from the Picea crassifolia forest. The compos ition and distribution of energy in the soil-residue-plant canopy layers in the Picea crassifolia forest and the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope make the soil layer receive less energy, which therefore, especially the forest possesses the energy conditions for soil water conservation. The simulation of water balance indicates that the water loss of the grassland at the sun-facing slope is mainly caused by soil evaporation, while evapotranspiration of the Picea crassifolia forest and the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope is less than that of the grassland at the sun-facing slope. Half of the evapotranspiration of the Picea crassifolia forest and the grassland by the forest at the shaded slope is consumed by transpiration. After precipitation, the soil water storage is much much more for the Picea crassifolia forest and also the forded grassland by the forest at the shaded slope. especially the forest is the shaded slopeble for soil water storage.
贵池市被列为国家首批生态经济示范区,而野生动物资源是生态环境中不可或缺的组成部分,然而在金钱的诱惑下,野生动物资源成为少数人发家致富的宝藏。 2000年 1— 6月份,贵池市林
1 一般资料 118例中男52例,女66例;年龄为3~68岁,11~40岁者93例占78.81%。病期长短不等,1~5年者66例占55.93%,最长30年,最短,个月,有3例出生即有。大多数为缓慢起病共80例占67.8%
刘钦平 男,莫斯科大学新闻系本科二年级学  生。1974年3月2日出生,河北省秦皇岛人。 龚海浩 男,莫斯科大学二年级硕士研究生,  1973年11月3日出生,江苏省滦阳人。 葛红 女,莫斯科大学社会学
法医学活体检验鉴定中由外伤引起脑腔隙梗塞并不多见 ,其鉴定有一定难度 ,笔者遇到1例 ,现报道如下。1案例某男 ,15岁 ,某日玩游戏机时与店主发生矛盾 ,被店主一手抱腰 ,一手抱腿