Who Is Singing in Spring?

来源 :China Today | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leaffan1985
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The concert’s promotional material, which reads “Who is singing in Spring?” is partly designed by friends. JIANG Shilong’s friends call him Lao Yao or “old demon.” He has a band called Xishan Laoyao, “West Mountain Old Demon,” which he started with a few friends in Beijing after graduating from college, When the other members left, Lao Yao continued The concert’s promotional material, which reads “Who is singing in Spring? ” Is partly designed by friends. JIANG Shilong’s friends call him Lao Yao or “old demon. ” He has a band called Xishan Laoyao, “West Mountain Old Demon, ”which he started with a few friends in Beijing after graduating from college, When the other members left, Lao Yao continued
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