
来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mygd520
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“八五”期间,增强企业特别是国有大中型骨干企业的活力,仍然是以城市为重点的整个经济体制改革的中心环节。进一步协调好企业党政关系,使企业党政工团各个方面拧成一股劲,形成搞活企业的合力,是深化企业改革的关键问题。不久前,中央领导同志就企业党政关系问题作了重要批示,明确指出在企业里“中心”和“核心”问题不必再扯了。核心主要是指党的政治领导。在企业干部问题上,历史经验证明,党委集体研究一下,大有好处。企业的生产指挥、经营管理,都应由厂长(经理)负责。企业的党委书记决不应干预厂长(经理)的日常工作。企业的厂长(经理)和党委书记,归根结蒂要齐心协力地把企业的生产经营搞上去,这与《企业法》的 During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, enhancing the vitality of enterprises, especially those large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, remains the central aspect of the entire reform of the economic system focusing on cities. To further coordinate the relationship between the party and the government in enterprises so that all aspects of the party, government and enterprise groups in the enterprise can be combined into one force and form a joint force for invigorating the enterprise are the key issues for deepening the reform of enterprises. Not long ago, the central leading comrades made important instructions on the party-government relations in the enterprises and made it clear that the “center” and “core” issues in the enterprises need not be rebuffed. The core mainly refers to the party’s political leadership. On the issue of enterprise cadres, historical experience proves that it is of great benefit for the party committees to study collectively. Enterprise production command, management, should be the director (manager) is responsible. The party secretary of the enterprise should never interfere with the daily work of the director (manager). Enterprise director (manager) and party secretary, in the final analysis should make concerted efforts to engage in the production and operation of enterprises, and “Enterprise Law”
<正> 自去年国务院调整紧缩力度以来。经济运行伴随着即期需求的回升逐渐走出低谷.到去年第四季度,经济运行明显加速。我司编制的十二项监测指标综合景气评分由八月份的26分上升到十一、十二月份的39分,进入“黄灯”(警告)区域.今年以来,经济运行继续加速,出现过热苗头,综合景气评分一月份为40分、二月份为41分、三月份为38分,进入“黄灯区”上限,临近“红灯”(热)区域边缘.为防止经济重新过热,需及早采取预防措施.
野钓的人都有这样的经历,每当选好钓点,调好漂后却又遇上了鱼漂的忽上忽下,漂目不一。资历深的钓友通过一番调试后,很快进入了良好的施钓状态,而有一部 Wildfishing people