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赵熊,字大愚,号药石庐、面墙斋、风过耳堂等。1949年生于西安。幼喜书法篆刻,1972年师从陈择秦先生,1982年加入中国书协。作品参加第一、二、三届全国书法篆刻展览,第二、三届全国中青年书法篆刻展览和第二届全国篆刻展览,并被收入《中国新文艺大系·书法集》及国内外数十种作品集,论文入选全国第三、四、六届书学研讨会。现为中国书协会员、中国书协篆刻委员会委员、中国书协书法培训中心教授、陕西省书协理事、西安终南印社社长、陕西书学院专业书法家等。 Zhao Xiong, the word fool, drug Shi Lu, wall fasting, the wind and so on. Born in Xi’an in 1949. Kindergarten calligraphy and seal cutting, teacher in 1972 from Mr. Chen Chengqin, 1982, joined the China Association of calligraphy. Works participated in the first, second and third national calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition, the second and third National Youth calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition and the second session of the National Seal Cutting, and was included in the “new Chinese Literature and calligraphy collection” and the number of domestic and foreign Ten kinds of works, papers selected the third, fourth, sixth book study seminar. Now a member of China Shuxian, China Society of Calligraphy and seal cutting committee member, China Calligraphy Association Training Center Professor, Shaanxi Province Shuxie director, Xi’an Zhongnan Printing Society, Shaanxi Institute of calligraphy professional books.
故乡的春节越来越红火。在鞭炮声中,我来到村外、默默地站立在一座烈士墓前,思绪又把我带回了几十年前,耳畔似乎又响起了急促的枪声…… 那是1946年10月中旬,国民党集中八个
After the regulation of the administrative division,Sichuan now has an area of 4.85 million sq. kilometers and a population of 83.565 million, some 30 million l