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通过田间调查发现,5年生欧美107杨杨树溃疡病防治指标为1.5m以下40个病斑;6年生欧美107杨杨树溃疡病防治指标为1.5m以下60个病斑。 Field investigation found that 5-year-old Europe and the United States 107 poplar canker disease prevention and control indicators for less than 1.5m 40 lesions; 6-year-old Europe and the United States 107 poplar canker disease control indicators for less than 1.5m 60 lesions.
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Study the technology of grid middleware based on PS, and illustrates the interrelated-technical question in details,such as term-matching, location-transparency
利用FJ-MA02型新一代松褐天牛引诱剂及诱捕器诱集松褐天牛成虫,通过连续3a的观察研究,掌握了松褐天牛在驻马店的种群分布规律。同时,针对不同区域提出了防治建议。 The adul
髓源性抑制细胞(Myeloid-derived suppressor cells,MDSCs)是一群来自骨髓不成熟的异质性细胞,表型及成分复杂,在肿瘤微环境中发挥免疫抑制功能,并主要抑制T细胞免疫应答.在
患者女,57岁.因反复上腹疼痛10 d,复发加重8 h急症入院.既往有50年间歇腹痛病史.入院查体:急性痛苦病容,脱水貌,中上腹部稍隆起,以左侧明显,肌张力稍高,压痛、反跳痛明显.右
采用8个杨树品种枝条通过室内接种试验表明,其中中林46杨为杨树溃疡病抗病型品种;三倍体毛白杨、北抗杨以及健杨为高度感病型品种。 Eight poplar branches were used for i
大肠癌(Colorectal cancer)是胃肠道疾病中常见的恶性肿瘤,其发病率及死亡率日益增高.近年来,植物化学提取物在大肠癌的化学预防及治疗方面所起到的作用已经受到广泛关注.随
Summarizes the I/O feedback linearization about MIMO system, and applies it to nonlinear control equation of airplane. And also designs the tracing control laws