Selection of a Suitable Wavelet for Cognitive Memory Using Electroencephalograph Signal

来源 :工程(英文)(1947-3931) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuo19871108
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The aim of this study is to recognize the best and suitable wavelet family for analyzing cognitive memory using Electroencephalograph (EEG) signal. The participant was given some visual stimuli during the study phase, which were a sequence of pictures tha
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<正> 杜××,女,48岁。1984年9月18日诊。患头后部疼痛伴右侧颈部强直,伴脑鸣已1年有余。近日来更出现脑内发热伴剧烈呕吐、眩晕、四肢麻木,大便已半月未解。西医诊断为“脑
1 病例资料男,35岁。因左中上腹部疼痛1天入院。患者1天前无明确诱因出现左中腹部疼痛,疼痛呈持续性,难以忍受,无发热、咳嗽、咳痰,无心慌、气急,无恶心、呕吐及腹泻,发病后自服抗生