Steady-State Analysis of a Two-Mode Laser System with Cross-Correlation Between Real and Imaginary P

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaogang7922
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An inhomogeneously broadened two-mode laser system with cross-correlations between the real and imaginaryparts of quantum noise is considered. The Fokker-Planck equation of the system is derived by the phase-lockingmethod. The steady-state probability distribution, the mean light intensity, the normalization autocorrelation function,and cross correlation function are calculated. The results indicate that: (ⅰ) The cross-correlation between the real andimaginary parts of quantum noise can cause the stationary probability distribution from one peak structure to twoextrema structure when the laser system is operated above threshold; (ⅱ) The cross-correlation between the real andimaginary parts of quantum noise enhance the light intensity fluctuation and decrease the laser output when the lasersystem is operated below or near threshold; (ⅲ) The effect of the cross-correlation between the real and imaginary partsof quantum noise is very weak on the stationary properties when the laser system is operated far above threshold. An inhomogeneously broadened two-mode laser system with cross-correlations between the real and imaginaryparts of quantum noise is considered. The Fokker-Planck equation of the system is derived by the phase-lockingmethod. The steady-state probability distribution, the mean light intensity The normalization of autocorrelation function, and cross correlation function are calculated. The results indicate that: (i) The cross-correlation between the real and imaginary parts of quantum noise can cause the stationary probability distribution from one peak structure to two extrema structure when the laser system is operated above threshold; (ii) The cross-correlation between the real and imaginary parts of quantum noise enhance the light intensity fluctuation and decrease the laser output when the lasersystem is operated below or near threshold; (iii) The effect of the cross-correlation between the real and imaginary parts of quantum noise is very weak on the stationary properties when the laser system is operated far above threshold.
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1 病例特点  ①患儿 ,女 ,3岁 ;②双下肢非凹陷性浮肿 ,2个月前有不明原因浮肿史 ;③腹痛、齿龈出血 ,无鼻出血、便血、尿血 ,无关节肿痛 ;④平素易反复呼吸道感染 ;⑤精