
来源 :中国公路 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:westlink
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公路弯道内侧是交通事故经常发生的路段。为什么会这样呢?究其原因除了车速过快和占道行驶等司机主观违章因素外;还有客观外部环境因素的影响,其中视线不好又是最主要因素。据笔者观察,有不少弯道内侧种植了十分稠密的路树,有的又多年不修剪管护,使视距变得更短,加上司机的主观违章因素,公路弯道内侧便成了交通事故的多发地段。所以,要减少乃至避免在公路弯道内侧发生交通事 The inside of the road bend is a section of traffic accidents that often occur. Why is it so? The reason in addition to driving too fast and lane driving drivers subjective violation factors; there are objective external environmental factors, of which poor visibility is the most important factor. According to the author’s observation, many roadside trees have been planted with very dense road trees, and some have not been trimmed for years to make the line of sight shorter. In addition, due to the driver’s subjective violation, the inside of the road curve becomes Multiple traffic accidents. Therefore, to reduce or even avoid traffic accidents inside the road corners