Ambulatory pulmonary artery pressure monitoring in advanced heart failure patients

来源 :World Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songjuan119004
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Heart failure(HF) is an emerging epidemic associate with significant morbidity,mortality,and health care expenditure. Although there were major advances in pharmacologic and device based therapies for the management of HF,mortality of this condition remains high. Accurate monitoring of HF patients for exacerbations is very important to reduce recurrent hospitalizations and its associated complications. With the failure of clinical signs,tele-monitoring,and laboratory bio-markers to function as early markers of HF exacerbations,more sophisticated techniques were sought to accurately predict the circulatory status in HF patients in order to execute timely pharmacological intervention to reduce frequent hospitalizations. Cardio MEMSTM(St. Jude Medical,Inc.,Saint Paul,Minnesota) is an implantable,wireless pulmonary arterial pressure(PAP) monitoring system which transmits the patient’s continuous PAPs to the treating health care provider in the ambulatory setting. PAP-guided medical therapy modification has been shown to significantly reduce HF-related hospitalization and overall mortality. In advanced stages of HF,wireless access to hemodynamic information correlated with earlier left ventricular assist device implantation and shorter time to heart transplantation. Heart rate (HF) is an emerging epidemic associate with significant morbidity, mortality, and health care expenditure. Although there were major advances in pharmacologic and device based therapies for the management of HF, mortality of this condition remains high. Accurate monitoring of HF patients for the use of failure of clinical signs, tele-monitoring, and laboratory bio-markers to function as early markers of HF exacerbations, more sophisticated techniques were sought to accurately predict the circulatory status in HF patients in order to execute timely pharmacological intervention to reduce frequent hospitalizations. Cardio MEMSTM (St. Jude Medical, Inc., Saint Paul, Minnesota) is an implantable, wireless pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) monitoring system which transmits the patient’s continuous PAPs to the treating health care provider in the ambulatory setting. PAP-guided medical therapy modification has been shown to significantly reduce HF-related hospitalization and overall mortality. In advanced stages of HF, wireless access to hemodynamic information correlated with earlier left ventricular assist device implantation and shorter time to heart transplantation.
12岁时,她考入江苏省戏剧学校学习京剧。“刀马旦”的学习,养成了她独立、坚强的性格。20岁时,凭借扎实的戏曲功底考入中国戏曲学院,四年后被国家京剧院录取,多次跟随于魁智、李胜素等前辈到各地演出。前不久,她又以专业第一的成绩考取了中国传媒大学播音主持专业艺术硕士。对于这些漂亮的成绩,她只是淡淡一笑,称之为“幸运”而已。  她就是国家京剧院一团的优秀青年演员毕璐娜。见到生活中的她,脱去了京剧舞台上的华
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