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时至年中,收入分配制度改革的讨论进入高潮。最近的消息称,旨在“调高、扩中、提低”的收入分配改革方案可能在8月份完成修订,并有望在年内出台。党和国家高度重视收入分配问题。早在2006年,党的十六届六中全会提出,要“加强收入分配宏观调节,在经济发展的基础上,更加注重社会公平”。进入2010年,中央领导同志更是在多个不同的场合表示出推进分配改革的决心:胡锦涛总书记在年初省部级主要领导干部专题研讨班上强调,要“加快调整国民收入分配结构”;温家宝总理在4月1日出版的《求是》杂志上,发表文章《关于发展社会事业和改善民生的几个问题》中指出,“收入分配问题已经到了必须下大力气解决的时候”。当前,分配改革启动在即,备受各方关注。新一轮改革较以往有哪些新特点?为什么要建设“橄榄型”分配格局?此轮改革的思路和重点是什么?在改革中如何实现农民增收?本期话题特邀权威专家详细解读。 From the middle of the year, the discussion on the reform of the income distribution system reached a climax. According to recent sources, the income distribution reform plan aimed at “raising, expanding and lowering” may be revised in August and is expected to be introduced during the year. The Party and the state attach great importance to the issue of income distribution. As early as 2006, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee proposed to “strengthen the macro-adjustment of income distribution and pay more attention to social fairness on the basis of economic development.” In 2010, the leaders of the Central Government expressed their determination on pushing forward the reform of distribution on a number of different occasions: At the beginning of this year, General Secretary Hu Jintao emphasized at the seminar on key leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels that “we should speed up the process of adjusting the structure of the national income distribution, Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out in his article ”Seeking Truth,“ published in the April 1 issue that ”the issue of income distribution has reached a point where great efforts must be made to solve the problem of several issues concerning the development of social undertakings and improvement of people’s livelihood.“ ”. At present, the distribution reform is just around the corner and has drawn much attention from all parties. Why the new round of reform than in the past what are the new features? Why should build “Olive ” distribution pattern? This round of reform ideas and priorities? In the reform of how to increase peasant income? .
CO_2 气体保护焊具有成本低、效率高、焊接质量好等优点,近年来在国内外受到很大重视,应用日趋广泛。但就目前应用情况来看,85%以上为细丝。然而,细丝电弧功率小,还远远满足