A New Method for Determination of Adsorption and Desorption Coefficients of Pesticides with Soil Col

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxcsmile
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The adsorption and desorption coefficients of atrazine, methiocarb and simazine on a sandy loam soil were measured in this study with soil column liquid chromatographic (SCLC) technique. The adsorption and desorption data of all the three pesticides followed Freundlich isotherms revealing the existence of hysteresis. In comparing with other methods, SCLC method showed some characteristics such as rapidity, online and accuracy. The adsorption and desorption coefficients of atrazine, methiocarb and simazine on a sandy loam soil were measured in this study with soil column liquid chromatographic (SCLC) technique. The adsorption and desorption data of all the three pesticides followed Freundlich isotherms revealing the existence of hysteresis. In comparing with other methods, SCLC method showed some characteristics such as rapidity, online and accuracy.
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1.适用范圍:在測量較深的地下水时最为适用,且造价低廉,易于操作。2.构造:将廢手电筒經过改装后即成。先将廢手 1. Scope: The most suitable for measuring deep groundwa
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