Essays On Monther's Day

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  As we all know, a mother has a very special place in the heart of her kids. Why not? She really deserves it. She takes care of her child about everything at each moment. Let’s be prepared for the essay (短文) writing competition on Mother’s Day on the event of Mother’s Day celebration this year. We have provided here various simply worded essays on Mother’s Day. You can select any Mother’s Day essay for your reference.
  Mother’s Day Essay 1
  Mother’s Day is a happiest and highly memorable day of the year for every kids, children and students. Mother’s day is a special day of the year which has been dedicated for all mothers. Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on second Sunday in the month of the May. This year in 2016, it would be celebrated on 8th of May (second Sunday) with lots of joy and happiness. Kids become very happy at this day and celebrate in front of their mothers at home or in school in order to honour their mothers.(100 words)
  Mother’s Day Essay 2
  Mother’s Day is celebrated every year to give honour to mothers as well as respect her motherhood. It is celebrated at second Sunday in the month of May annually. Mothers are especially invited to come to their kids’ school to celebrate. Teachers start preparation for the mother’s day with lots of activities. Some students prepare rhyme in Chinese or English, essay writing, some lines of Chinese or English conversations, poems, speeches, etc. At this day mothers go to the school of their kids and involve in the celebration.
  Classrooms get decorated by the teachers and students to welcome mothers. It is celebrated in different countries at different dates and days, however, in China it is celebrated at second Sunday of the May month. Kids give a special invitation card (prepared by themselves) to their mothers and invite them to come to their schools at properly decided time. They give surprise to their mothers by giving them some unexpected gifts.(150 words)
  Mother’s Day Essay 3
  Mother’s Day is a day when every child celebrates it especially for their mothers. It is celebrated annually as an important event of the year on second Sunday of May. Nowadays, it has been a trend to celebrate mother’s day in the schools in the presence of their kids. Mothers get greeting cards, wishing cards or other special gifts by their kids. At this day, family members go outside to have some delicious dinner and get more enjoyment. Mothers also give some gifts and lots of love and care to their kids.   Mothers are especially invited by their kids to the school where teachers, kids and mothers enjoy celebrating the mother’s day. Both mothers and kids do some activities to fully enjoy this day. Mothers prepare some special dishes like sweets, biscuits, etc for their kids according to their interests. Mothers also take part in some other activities like dancing, singing, speech, etc. Kids join in the rhyme recitation, oral conversation, dancing, singing, essay writing, etc related to the mother’s day. In the end of celebration, mothers serve their especially prepared dishes to all students of the classroom and teachers. Everyone eat and enjoy themselves.(200 words)
  Mother’s Day Essay 4
  A mother is everyone’s best friend because she takes care of everything we need. So, to say her thanks and give her respect, a day of the year has been dedicated to the mother and celebrated as Mother’s day every year. We cannot live without our mothers and her caring love. She cares us so much, she becomes happy when we laugh and she becomes sad when we weep. She is only one in this world who never leaves us alone. She is fully devoted to us like no one else in whole world.
  In China mother’s day is celebrated every year on 2nd Sunday of May. Everyone at home gets together to enjoy this day and eat delicious dinner at home or outside the home. All the family members give gifts to the mother and say her very happy Mother’s Day. Most of our mothers are always at home for us. From the birth of us till her last moment of life, she cares us like a small child. We cannot count her contribution in our lives. Even we cannot count her daily activities from early morning till night.
  She has lots of responsibilities and does all continuously without getting tired. She is the one whose job is unlimited without any fix job time and work. We cannot give her anything in return, however we can say her big thanks and give lots of respects and care. We should always love and care our mothers and obey all her orders.(250 words)
  黃 霞 供稿
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