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为促进我国科技论文和科技期刊进入国际权威检索系统,提高我国在国际上的学术地位,对1989-1998年四川省高校科技论文被美国《科学引文索引》 (Science Citation Index,SCI)收录情况进行了统计分析。10年间,被SCI收录的论文共计1597篇。其中1989年仅为8所院校的95篇,1998年为11所院校的220篇, 较10年前增加125篇,增辐为231.58%,表明SCI收录四川省高校论文的数量呈上升趋势。对被收录论文在数量分布,学科分布,地区分布,以及论文所在学校数等特点进行了分析,并对如何促进我国科技论文和科技期刊进入国际检索系统进行了探讨。 In order to promote the entry of Chinese scientific papers and periodicals into the international authoritative retrieval system and improve our country’s academic status in the world, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the academic papers of Sichuan Province from 1989 to 1998 by the Science Citation Index (SCI) Statistical analysis. A total of 1597 papers were collected by SCI in 10 years. Among them, there were 95 in 8 universities in 1989 and 220 in 11 colleges in 1998, an increase of 125 compared with 10 years ago, which increased by 231.58%, indicating that the number of SCI papers in colleges and universities in Sichuan province is on the rise . The dissertation analyzes the quantity distribution, subject distribution, area distribution and the number of the schools where the papers are collected, and discusses how to promote the entry of Chinese scientific papers and scientific journals into the international search system.
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中央人民政府农业部負責人就目前在全国範圍內開展愛國主義農业生產競賽中的幾個問題,答新華社記者問。問答如下: 问:自李顺達互助组向全国互助组提出生產挑戰後,目前全國愛
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