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我们越来越热爱拍照,因为手机越来越普及,几乎人手一部,不需要专业相机,人人都是摄影师。我们拍自己,拍别人,无非是想用照片的形式来挽留住一切经历过的东西,告诉旁人:我来过,我吃过,我用过……寂寞的人也在用一张张照片证明自己活得很惬意,无须担心。但拍来拍去,最终发现,拍照与心情与地点与相机无关,最后的成像,一切都是看脸。 We are more and more passionate about taking pictures, because mobile phones are becoming more and more popular, almost totally manual and do not require professional cameras. Everyone is a photographer. We shoot ourselves, shoot others, is nothing more than want to use pictures to retain all the experience of things, tell others: I have been, I have eaten, I used ... ... Lonely people are also using a photo proof I live very comfortable, do not worry. But patted it, and eventually found that the camera and the mood and location have nothing to do with the camera, the final imaging, everything is to look at the face.
In Chlorella vulgaris Beg. and Cladophora sp. treated with different concentrations of r-BHC and p,p-DDT, the protein and free amino acid content in both were
你有多美,就拥有多美的寂寞凤冠,华服紧锁呼吸的咽喉你是如此的自由迈不出香闺半步 How beautiful you are, how beautiful the loneliness of the crown, Hua Fu dress loc
早产儿视网膜病变(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)是一种进行性视网膜血管异常生长、病理性新生血管形成的致盲性眼病,发病率呈上升趋势,是儿童致盲和视力损害的主要原因.
我和胡震国认识快四十年了。他曾任上海工艺美术职业学院美术系主任,其水墨风景画近年来引人注目。  他原来是画油画的,作品多次入选全国美展和全军美展,美术评论家卢金德先生对他的评价是:“胡震国的油画色调就是法国印象色彩与中国江南湖光深情的融合。”  四十年前,我们一群二十不到的年轻人被分配到皖南工作,第一次见到他,便受感染,他喜欢哲学。佛陀。老庄。家具简单,但四壁不是塞尚、梵高,就是徐悲鸿、齐白石……
引言由于 ~(10)Be 的特殊性[(1)由宇宙射线产生,(2)粒子反应,(3)放射性],使其对于(1)宇宙射线通量的变化和调整,(2)迁移过程(例如侵蚀研究,大洋生产率),(3)晚第三纪沉积物的
一定是你的一声长啸劈开了这石头的枷锁你的一阵奔跑又跃过了一条山谷而这一回头啊更让我认识了什么是虎威什么是孤独什么是空气的炸裂和时间的凝固 Must be your soon as s
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A simple plate crown model was introduced,and the crown-flatness vector analysis method was analyzed.Based on the plate rolling technology,the rolling schedule