
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmjxex
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Surgical repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) can be performed by means of either direct suturing of the diaphragm or positioning of a prosthetic patch. However, half of all prosthetic patches show evidence of reherniation. We describe the case of an 8-year-old girl who presented with prosthesis dislocation and fistulization in the right lower bronchus as a complication of a CDH repair that she underwent when she was 1 year old. Abdominal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging suggested a hernia relapse, whereas chest computed tomographic scan failed to identify the diaphragmatic defect. Only fibrobronchoscopy allowed fistulization of the prosthesis into the bronchi to be correctly diagnosed. Surgical repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) can be performed by means of either direct suturing of the diaphragm or positioning of a prosthetic patch. However, half of all prosthetic patches show evidence of reherniation. We describe the case of an 8-year- old girl who presented with prosthesis dislocation and fistulization in the right lower bronchus as a complication of a CDH repair that she underwent when she was 1 year old. Abdominal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging suggested a hernia relapse, but chest computed tomographic scan failed to identify the diaphragmatic defect. Only fibrobronchoscopy allowed fistulization of the prosthesis into the bronchi to be correctly diagnosed.
摘要:在现代高中数学教学的过程中,教师应该尝试运用分层教学模式进行教学,通过科学的运用分层教学模式进行教学来保证每一个学生都能够在数学学习的过程中有所收获,这也是现代素质教育对高中数学提出的要求,教师要努力做到因材施教,针对每一个学生的具体情况进行教学,可以让学生得到更好的发展。在高中数学教学的过程中,如何科学有效地运用分层教学模式进行教学,需要教师在实践的过程中进行探索和思考。  关键词:高中数
Purpose: We present a new fistulectomy method for the second pharyngeal arch remnants. Materials and Methods: Between 1991 and 2003, 4 patients have been treate
摘 要:通过对实验方案和实验仪器的改良和创新,将“对气体做功气体内能增加”和“气体对外做功气体内能减少”这两个实验对比呈现.对比实验现象明显,数字温度计指示的瓶内气体温度变化明显,可以有效的说明“对气体做功,气体内能增加”和“气体对外做功,气体内能减少”的实验结论.实验过程可以有效的培养学生的实验观察能力和分析能力.  关键词:做功;内能改变;实验改进  物体内所有分子的动能和分子间相互作用的势能
第八届中国戏剧节“都宝”杯小剧场演出季 ,从 5月 2 6日至 6月 1 8日在北兵马司剧场、北京人艺小剧场和实验剧场先后展演了 1 4台剧目 ,是我国当前小剧场戏剧的一次集中展示
地震预报的方法很多 ,作为中学生可采用一些观测地震的土方法、土仪器。“倒立瓶地震报警器”是将瓶子倒立 ,地震时瓶被晃倒 ,电路接通 ,便发出警报。这对于监视地震、保护群
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