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安虎,武林人称“笑三少”,只因他于擂台之上仰天三笑便常令对手唏嘘臣伏。当今武林最为瞩目的“散打王争霸赛”已经进入最后时刻,“笑三少”能否一统“江湖”,还有短短一个月的时间便可见分晓。在第33周的争霸战中,安虎顺利挺进前四,当即放出狂言:我于‘王中王’如探囊取物耳! 在“散打王争霸赛”战犹酣之际,我们选编安虎的日记,读者朋友们可以发现,狂放如安虎者也有另外的一面。 安虎原为内蒙古散打队队员,雄霸85公斤以上级冠军宝座多年。现在北京体育大学武术系学习。内蒙古队与北体大签下协议:九运会上,安虎仍将代表内蒙古自治区出征。 ——编者 Anhu, martial arts people called “laugh three less,” because he was in the ring three days of laughter often opponents sigh booming. Today’s martial arts most noticed “Sanda Wang Competition” has entered the last moment, “laugh three less” can be unified “arena”, there is only a month’s time will be able to see the outcome. In the 33rd week of hegemony in the battle, Anhu smoothly into the top four, immediately released a rage: I ’King of the King,’ such as exploits the ears! In the “Sanda Wang Competition,” the war is still in distress, we selected An Di diary, the reader friends can be found, wild as the Anhu who have another side. Anhu former Inner Mongolia Sanda players, dominated the 85 kg and above champion for many years. Now Beijing Sports University martial arts learning. Inner Mongolia team signed an agreement with North China University: On the 9th National Games, Anhu still expedition on behalf of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. --editor
试验研究表明: 1~3 年生杉木幼林地禁止饲放山羊, 因山羊取食3 年生杉木幼林枝叶次数占总次数的7575% , 特别是取食杉木顶梢后, 对杉木幼林的高生长、成材有极大影响。山羊取食杉木幼林
南京邮政大厦在鼓楼广场东南,占地6800余平方米。楼高124.7米,地上30层,地下3层,建筑面积3.8万平方米,其规模、高度为全国省会城市邮局之首,1997年启用,已成为全省 Nanjing
[于海简介]  于海,原名于天堂。1942年出生,山东烟台人。自幼从林景山习七星螳螂拳。成为专业武术运动员后,在历届比赛中屡获佳绩。凭借扎实的武术基本功涉足影视表演,参加了多部影视
The effects of Cu addition and annealing treatment on the magnetic properties and microstructure of Nd12.3Fe81.7-xCuxB6 (x=0-1.2) ribbons melt-spun and annealed
The oxidation behavior of a cast polycrystalline Co-base superalloy was studied at temperatures from 900 to 1050℃and analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis (TG