Reform Exploration on College English Courses in Application—oriented Institutes

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  【Abstract】In this paper, the background of the reform of College English shows that the College English Teaching in China is in an important transition period. And then, a detailed explanation of the concept and classification of ESP is shown in the paper. By learning from other colleges and universities, the paper finally puts forward the curriculum system of EGP, EAP and general English according to the actual situation of Nantong Institute of Technology (NIT).
  【Key words】College English Courses; The Case Study
  Entering the 21st century, China is playing an increasingly important role in world economy. Under this circumstance, China has been in urgent need of comprehensive talents with high language quality and firm professional knowledge. Then the task of talents cultivation fell to colleges, especially application-oriented colleges.
  Where is the way of College English education in China? At present, there exist different opinions in the academic community. A common one is to carry out General English teaching for the purpose of cultivating students’ cultural quality and improving students’ English comprehensive application ability. (Zhou Haiyan, Zhou Jinghui, 2009). Furthermore, Cai Jigang (2011) put forward that College English teaching should transfer to English for Specific Purposes (ESP), especially English for Academic Purposes (EAP). There is another kind of view, namely, Basic English, General English and ESP go hand in hand, which is the main idea of Wang Shouren (2013) .
  1. Basic terms
  English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is the English course that is related to a particular occupation or subject, which is based on the specific purposes and needs of the learner. According to different purposes, ESP is divided into English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Occupational Purposes (EOP). Then Jordan (1997) subdivided EAP into English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) and English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP). The former is a kind of English teaching with the content of a particular discipline, while the latter focuses on the training of oral and written communication ability in academic fields. According to the statement of Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998), EGAP can be served by language teachers, but for ESAP, it’s best to be taught jointly by language teachers and professional teachers.
  2. Current English curriculum system in NIT
  Nantong Institute of Technology(NIT)is a full-time application-oriented college, with a total of 10 departments. The purpose of the college is to cultivate high-quality applied talents in technology and management fields. The College English curriculum system in NIT can be classified into two categories: compulsory courses and optional courses. The former consists of EGP (four semesters, 15.5 credits) and professional English (one semester, 2.5 credits); the latter are mainly test preparation courses (for CET4/CET6 or other English rank exams) in the form of public elective courses. In first academic year, English teaching focuses on laying the foundation. Students who passed the CET4 can choose exemption from college English course or continue CET6-centered course learning. Those who failed to pass the exam will be obliged to attend CET4-centered class in their second academic year.   3. Reform of English curriculum system in China
  National Program for Medium- to Long-term Educational Reform and Development indicates that undergraduate education should meet the needs of the national, social and economic development, and cultivate a number of international new talents. Based on this premise, colleges and universities in China have put forward the requirements for the ability of students’ ESP, especially EAP, and adjusted the English curriculum system.
  In Fudan University, foreign language curriculum system is divided into five parts, namely, EGP courses, EGAP courses, ESAP curriculum, language culture courses and second foreign language courses. In addition, there are foreign language environment platforms, such as College English proficiency test platform, etc. Ocean University of China opens EAP course with marine characteristics for students. Wuhan University divides English courses into basic courses and expansion courses (EAP). Grounded on specialties, college English course is designed to be 7 course packages in Nankai University, so that students choose on their own.
  4. College English curriculum planning in NIT
  Based on the experience of other colleges and universities, with the actual situation of NIT, the author puts forward the following proposals for the reform of College English Curriculum in NIT: Regional differences result in uneven English level. That makes it necessary for students to accept the EGP course teaching. For those who have passed CET4, the college will continue to carry out EGAP course to cultivate academic English skills. For the purpose of expanding students’ horizons and improving their cultural quality, language and culture courses need to be included in the college English teaching system.
  Considering above circumstances, suggestions concerning reform in English curriculum system are as follows: 1) As for compulsory course, EGP course of two academic years will be adjusted to EGP EGAP. EGAP course will be arranged in the second year. Students passing CET4 in first semester can choose CET6 course in the second semester. Professional English will be arranged in the third year, and its teaching period will be increased as well; 2) As for optional Courses, general education courses will be provided in the 7th semester. New materials will be selected to help the students increase cross-cultural communicative competence. For those who failed to pass CET4 in the first academic year, they can attend CET4 optional course.
  Under the backdrop of globalization, if college English continues to be located in the EGP teaching, it will surely die out gradually. In order to enable the high-level talents to come up with international standards, College English teaching has to transfer teaching focus from EGP to ESP, especially to EAP, positioning in the cultivation of academic English skills that students need in the professional learning and future work.
【摘要】英语谚语是英语国家文化在语言方面的直观体现,具有非常鲜明的民族文化特色。对此,在初中的英语教育中,开展英语谚语教学,能够使学生感受英语国家的文化特点,切实提高英语素质,有利于英语实际应用能力的有效培养。文章主要研究跨文化交际视角下的初中英语谚语教学研究。  【关键词】跨文化交际 初中教育 英语教育 英语谚语  引言  随着文化改革开放的不断深入实施,以及经济全球化的切实推动,国际间的交流与
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【摘要】英语学科的设置从小学阶段就开始有了,虽然它的教材内容与初中有些区别,一些入门的基础知识,但是它也毕竟让学生接触了英语方面的内容。可是到了初中以后,这些知识的内容又有了重复,怎样做好教学的衔接呢?本文在多年的教学实践中进行了探讨。  【关键词】英语 衔接 中小学 实践 探讨  现在全国的各地区的小学阶段,基本上都设置了英语学科,这样做的目的,一是年级越小越容易接触新鲜事物,二是为初中阶段的英
【摘要】随着社会经济的发展的,科学技术在教育中的影响日益深入。尤其是现阶段智能手机的普及,对高职学生学习带来诸多影响。鉴于此情况,探讨智能手机对高职英语教学的正面、负面影响,挖掘其原因,梳理相关解决策略,正确发挥智能手机在高职英语教学中的作用。  【关键词】高职英语 智能手机 教学  伴随着社会经济的日益发展,智能设备发展与普及迅速扩展。智能手机尤其应用明显,成为人们日常生活的重要使用工具。但随着
【摘要】随着素质教育改革和新课程标准改革的逐步推广与普及,传统的教育观念和教学模式都亟需改进和优化。其中兴趣教学作为一种新兴的教学模式,目前已经在初中英语教学中有所应用,这对提高其教学效率和质量具有重要作用。本文主要是针对兴趣教学概述、在初中英语教学中对兴趣教学的应用两个方面做出了详细的分析和研究,进而有效提高初中英语教学质量。  【关键词】初中英语 兴趣教学 应用对策  在近几年,随着社会经济的
【摘要】高效课堂不仅要实现知识与技能的掌握,更要体现学生快乐学习的过程、掌握知识的科学方法、积极向上的学习态度与精神。教师在课堂教学过程中不失时机地写出一些激励性、赏识性、鼓舞性、挑战性的“煽情”话语,营造富有情感,充满激情,合作竞争并举的愉悦课堂教学环境,从而实现学生积极主动、合作探究、快乐高效学习。  【关键词】这样的“话” 高效课堂 积极主动 合作探究 快乐高效  随着新课改的逐渐深入,我们
【摘要】英语翻译是高中英语学习的重点内容,培养英语翻译能力是实现学生综合素质发展的有效途径,是提高学生英语能力的重要环节。本文主要分析了在高中英语学习中提升学生翻译能力的重要性,并结合个人高中英语学习心得体会,就翻译学习方法进行分析和讨论,提出提高学生英语翻译能力的有效策略。  【关键词】高中英语 翻译能力 学习方法 策略探讨  翻译是高中英语教学的重点内容,涉及的内容十分广泛,包括语言学、逻辑学
【摘要】在全球化的背景下,随着对英语专业学生跨文化交际能力的要求越来越高,英语专业英美文化课课堂的重要性也越来越被高等院校所认可。随着时代的进步,英美文化课的教学必然需要不断改进。本文是个人在从事英美文化课教学过程中对高校英美文化课在新的时代背景下如何改进教学方式、达到更好的教学效果的反思。  【关键词】英语专业 英美文化 教学  英美文化课对于英语专业学习的关联性与重要性已经越来越被高等院校所认