
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angelboy8100
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汕头港务局经德国西南联技术监督机构(T(?)V)和中国方圆标志认证委员会认证中心按照国际标准的严格审核,获得ISO9002质量体系国际国内双认证。值此喜庆之际,谨向多年天关心支持我局的社会各界人士和单位表示衷心感谢! 汕头港务局是交通部、汕头市双重领导的大型国有企业。汕头港是粤东、闽西、赣南等地区的进出口岸,是汕头经济特区及其辐射面的门户,是我国沿海18个主枢纽港之一,与世界47个国家和地区的210多个港口有货运往来,经营范围包括货物装卸、仓储、客运、领航、水陆货运、进出口业务、船货代理、理货、船舶供油供水及维修等。其中招商公司享有直接进出口经营权。1997年11月18日,港口铁路专线正式开通营运,使汕头港务局珠池港区真正成为 Shantou Port Authority by the German Southwest United Technical Supervision (T (?) V) and China Fangyuan Certification Commission Certification Center in accordance with international standards of strict examination, access to ISO9002 quality system certification of international and domestic. On the occasion of this happy occasion, I would like to express my heart-felt thanks to people from all walks of life who have been caring for and supporting my office for many years. The Shantou Port Authority is a large state-owned enterprise under the dual leadership of the Ministry of Communications and Shantou. Shantou Port is the port of entry and exit of eastern Guangdong, western Fujian and southern Jiangxi. It is also the gateway of Shantou Special Economic Zone and its radiating surface. It is one of the 18 main hub ports along China’s coast and has more than 210 ports with 47 countries and regions in the world The port has freight forwarding, business scope includes cargo handling, warehousing, passenger transport, pilotage, cargo land and sea, import and export business, cargo agents, cargo handling, water supply and maintenance of ships and so on. Which investment companies enjoy direct import and export operation rights. November 18, 1997, the formal opening of the port railway line operation, so that Shantou Port Authority Zhuchi Port truly become
M ̄2因子与光束质量评定华仁忠,梁培辉(中国科学院上海光机所)长期以来,在激光光束质量的测量与评定上存在着一定的不确定因素,不同的测量方法和评估标准得出的结论相差较大,这是由于实
水电工程建设周期长,不可预见因素较多,造价控制难度很大,结合新疆开都河察汗乌苏水电站工程实际,提出了水电工程建设管理中造价控制的几点做法,供从事造价工作人员参考。 H
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