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一、陷入“两难”1.整治有成绩,问题仍不少。自1988年9月中共十三届三中全会以来,治理整顿工作有进展,有成绩。抢购风已经平息,储蓄趋于回升。但问题仍不少,表现在:(1)今年头四个月的通货膨胀率仍高达27%,这种趋势表明,中央关于今年物价上涨要明显低于去年的承诺有落空的危险;(2)经济秩序的整顿进展缓慢;(3)投资规模和银行信贷规模虽有所控制,但与计划要求相去甚远,且有扩大趋势;(4)企业经济效益下降,国营工业企业一季度可比产品成本上升15.8%,销售利税率和资金利税率分别比去年同期降低2.2和2个百分点;(5)产业结构调整很不理想,能源、交通、原材料等基础产业没有得到应有的加强;(6)乡镇企 First, caught in a “dilemma” 1. Remediation achievements, the problem is still quite a few. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee in September 1988, progress has been made in rectifying and rectifying work and achievements have been made. Buying wind has subsided, savings tend to rise. However, there are still many problems. The performance is as follows: (1) The inflation rate in the first four months of this year is still as high as 27%. This trend shows that the central authorities are in danger of losing ground when the price rise this year is significantly lower than last year’s promises. (3) Although the scale of investment and the scale of bank credit are under the control of the government, it is far from planned requirements and has an expanding trend; (4) The economic benefits of enterprises have declined and the comparable products of state industrial enterprises in the first quarter The cost increased by 15.8%, the sales tax rate and the capital tax rate decreased by 2.2 and 2 percentage points as compared with the same period of last year respectively; (5) The industrial structure adjustment was not satisfactory and the basic industries such as energy, transportation and raw materials were not properly strengthened; Township enterprises
不拜神佛却拜金, 诚心供奉大元宝, 有钱能使鬼推磨, 享乐不能缺钞票, 敛财何妨做手脚, 贪污盗窃无所谓, 奉劝诸公早醒悟, Do not pay homage to the Buddha is worshiped g
第一期关于 Srinivasan的一个定 Jg……………………………··,……………………陈重穆(i)夫于黎曼几何4。的法圆公理……………………………………………………刘海蔚(5)关