
来源 :文贝:比较文学与比较文化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dexter001
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本文将通过个案考察,对表演研究在阐释古希腊演说辞文本上的应用进行尝试,在阐释表演研究学术背景和方法论特征的基础上,从演说者与听众关系的角度审视古希腊演说家德谟斯提尼的演说辞《诉美狄亚斯》,重点分析演说辞中对陪审员特定情感的诉求、对事件性质的阐发以及对陪审员职责的强调这三种主要的修辞策略,以期在演说场合的具体语境下解读其表述方式并探讨其可能具有的社会功能。本文试图说明,德谟斯提尼在演说中调动陪审员的情绪,引导陪审员对事件性质和自身职责的认知,都是出于他对表演情境的考虑,而与之相关的修辞策略反过来又表达了对表演情境的否定,揭示出其重新定义演说表演场合的意图。在此过程中,德谟斯提尼塑造了陪审员的政治角色:这些因身处法庭现场而拥有政治权威的普通公民通过参与对案件的判决,而使诉讼当事人演说表演的影响力波及整个城邦的日常生活。由此可以展现出演说表演在雅典民主政治背景中实现其社会功能的主要途径。 This article will try to explain the application of performance studies in ancient Greek speech texts through case studies. On the basis of explaining the academic background and methodological features of performance studies, this paper examines the relationship between speaker and audience. Sidney’s speech “v. United States,” focusing on the speeches in the jury’s specific emotional appeal, the nature of the incident and jury duty to emphasize these three main rhetorical strategies, with a view to the speech The specific context of the occasion to interpret the way of expression and explore its possible social function. This article tries to show that Demosti’s mobilization of jurors’ emotions in speeches and the guidance of the jurors on the nature of the incident and their own duties are all based on his consideration of the performance situation, and the rhetorical countermeasures They also expressed their negation of the performance context and revealed their intention to redefine the occasion of the speech. In the process, Demostii shaped the juror’s political role: these ordinary citizens, who were politically authoritative at the scene of the court, influenced the litigant’s influence throughout the city by participating in the judgment of the case Everyday life From this, we can show the main ways in which speeches can achieve their social functions in the context of democratic politics in Athens.
当指南针、火药、造纸术、印刷术这四大发明出现在万里疆域、资源丰盛的华夏土地 ,出自炎黄子孙的聪明才智之手 ,华夏儿女们为之骄傲。当华夏儿女们用火药制作的礼花正在享受
本文从流变学角度对砼的受压静力弹性模量与强度的关系进行了分析探讨,从理论上验证了我国规范中的相应公式。同时,还对根据砼的流变模型得出的流变性质进行了分析讨论。 Th