Comparison of conventional and directional freezing for the cryopreservation of human umbilical vein

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qncy1232f
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AIM:To compare conventional slow equilibrium cooling and directional freezing(DF) by gauze package for cryopreservation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs).METHODS:HUVECs were randomly assigned to conventional freezing(CF) and DF by gauze package group. The two groups of HUVECs were incubated with a freezing liquid consisting of 10% dimethylsulfoxide(DMSO), 60% fetal bovine serum(FBS) and 30%Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium(DMEM) and then put into cryopreserved tubes. CF group, slow equilibrium cooling was performed with the following program:precool in 4℃ for 30 min,-20℃ for 1h, and then immersion in-80℃ refrigerator. DF group, the tubes were packaged with gauze and then directional freezing in-80℃ refrigerator straightly. One month later, the vitality of HUVECs were calculated between two groups.RESULTS:There was no significant difference in the survival rate and growth curve between CF and DF groups. The DF group was significantly better than CFgroup in adherent rates, morphological changes and proliferative ability.CONCLUSION:In the conventional cryopreserved method, cells are slow equilibrium cooling by steps(4℃,-20℃ and finally-80℃), which is a complicated and time-consuming process. But the improved DF by gauze package method is better than conventional method, for which is convenient and easy to operate. AIM: To compare conventional slow equilibrium cooling and directional freezing (DF) by gauze package for cryopreservation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). METHODS: HUVECs were randomly assigned to conventional freezing (CF) and DF by gauze package group. The two groups of HUVECs were incubated with a freezing liquid consisting of 10% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), 60% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 30% Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) and then put into cryopreserved tubes. The reaction was performed with the following program: precool in 4 ° C for 30 min, -20 ° C for 1 h, and then immersion in-80 ° C refrigerator. DF group, the tubes were packaged with gauze and then directional freezing in -80 ° C refrigerator straightly. One month later, the vitality of HUVECs were calculated between two groups .RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the survival rate and growth curve between CF and DF groups. The DF group was significantly better than CFgroup in adher ent rates, morphological changes and proliferative ability. CONCLUSION: In the conventional cryopreserved method, cells are at a slow equilibrium cooling by steps (4 ° C, -20 ° C and finally-80 ° C), which is a complicated and time-consuming process. But the improved DF by gauze package method is better than conventional method, for which is convenient and easy to operate.
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<正> 1995年7月27日至30日,来自全国近三十所高校和科研机构的语言学者约四十人聚首云南师范大学外语学院,举行了’95第四届全国语用学学术研讨会。 呈交大会的论文凡三十余篇,涉及语用学研究的多个方面,分别对语用学理论和应用两大领域里的种种问题进行了深入的探讨。与会专家、学者们主要就语用学新理论、跨文