突飞猛进的一百年 从欧洲近代出版业的诞生到大众文化的勃兴(约1780-约1880)

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欧洲近代出版业是冲破王政时期书业管理制度,于1780年左右在法国、英国和德国同时兴起的。自此之后,出版业脱离了造纸业、印刷业和零售业,一跃成为读者与作者的中介。引领出版业的不再是社会需求,而是供应。出版商奋力开拓市场,借助工业化的成果而将自己的影响扩散到几乎全体居民中间。作为这一活动的结果,大众文化于1860-1880年间,也就是在电影工业出现之前,已然在西方富有国家扎下根来。文章对这一百年过程进行了历史考察和社会分析。 The modern publishing industry in Europe broke through the management system of books and periodicals during the period of Wang Zheng and it was on the rise together with France, Britain and Germany around 1780. Since then, the publishing industry has emerged as an intermediary between readers and authors, breaking away from paper, printing and retail. It is no longer the social needs, but the supply, that lead the publishing industry. Publishers are struggling to open up their markets and using their industrialization to spread their influence to almost all the inhabitants. As a result of this activity, the mass culture already took root in the rich Western countries between 1860 and 1880, before the advent of the movie industry. The article carried on historical investigation and social analysis to this one hundred year process.
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