棠樾牌坊群景区 深度内涵

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2001年5月份,江泽民来黄山视察时,用了5个字母 C、B、M、E、A 概括了徽文化。C 代表文化,排在第一位,然后就在棠樾牌坊群发出感慨:“如此灿烂的文化,如此博大精深的文化,一定要世世代代传下去,让它永远立于世界文化之林”以江泽民为核心的领导集体对棠樾牌坊群所体现出的徽文化评价如此之高,为什么?有位外国名人曾说:“中国没有企业家”‘意思是说中国人不懂企业管理。实际上在乾隆年间,棠樾牌坊群的构筑者鲍志道就用了“以人为本”的理论,创下了富可敌国的家业,在 In May 2001, when Jiang Zemin visited Huangshan Mountain, he used the five letters C, B, M, E, A to sum up the Hui culture. C on behalf of the culture, came in first, and then sent a feeling in the Tang Qun archway group: “Such a brilliant culture, so broad and profound culture, must pass down from generation to generation, let it stand forever in the world culture ”The leadership culture with Jiang Zemin at the center is very high in the cultural evaluation of the emblem of culture in Tonglv Archway. Why? One foreign celebrity once said:“ There is no entrepreneur in China. ”This means that the Chinese do not understand the enterprise management. In fact, during the Qianlong years, Bao Zhidao, the architect of the Tongli Arch Community, used the theory of “people-oriented” and set a wealthy home country.
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