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抗生素的广泛应用、抗生素引腹泻的病例也越来越多。研究证明,抗生素引起腹泻的原因是由于抗生素破坏了肠道菌群的生态平衡而使肠道骨一种厌氧菌——难辨梭状芽孢杆菌,繁殖过盛和产生毒素所致尤其是老年人有慢性消耗性疾病,如肺结核、肿瘤、反复肺部感染等患者,由于抵抗低下,就更容易受到该菌的侵袭。 The widespread use of antibiotics, diarrhea, antibiotics are also more and more cases. Studies have shown that antibiotics cause diarrhea is due to the destruction of the antibiotic antibacterial intestinal flora and make the intestinal bones of an anaerobic bacteria - Clostridium difficile, overproduction and production of toxins caused by, especially the elderly People with chronic wasting diseases, such as tuberculosis, cancer, repeated lung infections and other patients, due to low resistance, are more susceptible to the invasion of the bacteria.
自古以来人类对速度的渴望就没有穷尽,从呱呱坠地奋力爬行的婴孩,到奋力冲刺打破百米纪录的健将,再到制造各种机械来满足对于追求更快速度的诉求,这种激情永远没有停止.  世界一级方程式赛车是一项风靡全球的竞速运动,赛道上一辆辆五颜六色的赛车风驰电掣般在眼前穿行而过,伴随着轰鸣的马达声,掀起股股浓烟,一骑绝尘.飞驰的赛车能够充分挑起观众们的兴奋感觉,特别是当驶入弯道时,几乎所有赛车都遵循同一条路线,谁也不
The departure ceremony of the “The 2012 Vision Journey of Chinese Lifeline Express” was held in Beijing on April 12,2012. The project,with the aim of poverty
AIM: To determine whether inducible nitric oxide syn-thase (iNOS) stimulation of human atrial fragments can be diminished by the naturally occurring signal mol
AIM: To develop a tool for detailed analysis of spirally acting anesthetic and analgesic agents. METHODS: Studies were done on visually identified motor neuron