深化政务公开 加强政务服务

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深化政务公开、加强政务服务,既是大势所趋,更是加强教育系统自身建设,努力办好人民满意的教育的内在要求。深化行政审批制度改革。以职能转变为核心,继续简政放权,进一步取消和调整行政审批事项。对保留的行政审批事项,全部进入政务服务窗口办理;对取消和转变管理方式的事项,加强监管,杜绝变通,防止反弹;对下放管理层级的事项,做好承接和落实工作。推进行政审批权相对集中改革,将审批权向政务服务窗口集中,政务服务窗口向政务服务中心集中,行政审批权向政务服务窗口授权到位,行政审批事项在政务服务窗口办理到位。实施行政审批事项流程再造,提升行政效率,方便群众办事。 Deepening the transparency of government affairs and strengthening government services are both the trend of the times and the inherent requirement of strengthening the education system itself and making every effort to satisfactorily satisfy people’s satisfaction with education. Deepening the Reform of Administrative Examination and Approval System. With the transformation of functions as the core, we should continue to streamline administration and decentralization and further cancel and adjust administrative examination and approval items. All the items of administrative examination and approval that have been retained shall go through the window of the government service window; strengthen the supervision and control over matters that cancel and change management methods, prevent them from being bounced off and prevent them from rebounding; and undertake the undertaking and implementation of decentralization of management-level matters. We will push forward the reform on the relative concentration of administrative examination and approval authority, concentrate the examination and approval authority on the window of government affairs service, concentrate the administrative service window to the government service center, authorize the administrative examination and approval authority to the window of administrative service, and handle the administrative examination and approval matters in the window of administrative service. Implementation of the process of administrative examination and approval process reengineering, enhance administrative efficiency, to facilitate people’s work.
In this second part, the so-called “discontinuous vibration analysing” method is used to discuss the qualitative features of the solutions in the system set