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将军坟位于集安市太王镇果树村三组,西南距国内城约7.5公里,是洞沟占墓群禹山墓区一座重要的高句丽墓葬(图一)。对将军坟的考古工作,始于20世纪初日本人对将军坟及其陪坟的调查和发掘。新中国成立以来,吉林省、集安市的文博部门多次对将军坟进行调查和测绘,对墓葬的考古认知逐步全面。随着考古工作的不断深入,学术界对“将军坟”年代、性质的学术认识也渐趋一致。现今国内学者多认为“将军坟”是高句丽第二十代王长寿王陵墓。在高句丽积石墓王陵中,“将军坟”的年代最晚,修治最为精美,保存最为完好,陵寝制度也最为完备。墓葬西南侧台地之上由于早年即曾发现高句丽时期建筑构件,被学术界疑为是与墓葬有关的建筑遗址。 The general graves are located in the fruit tree village of Tai Wang Tai Town, three groups, southwest from the domestic city about 7.5 kilometers, is the ditch account for the burial group Yushan tombs an important Koguryo Tombs (Figure 1). The archeological work on the general graves began with the investigation and excavation of the general graves and their graves in the early 20th century. Since the founding of New China, cultural and art departments in Ji’an and Ji’an City have conducted surveys and surveys on General Tomb many times and the archaeological cognition to the burial tombs has been gradually and comprehensively implemented. With the continuous deepening of archeological work, academics have become more and more consistent with the academic understanding of the “General Tomb” era. Nowadays, many domestic scholars think that “General Tomb” is the tomb of King Teng Shouwang, the 20th generation of Koguryo. In the Gorgonian tomb tombs, the “General’s Tomb” was the latest in terms of age, was most beautifully restored, most preserved, and the mausoleum system the most complete. On the southwestern side of the tombs, the foundations of Goguryeo architecture were discovered in the early years and were suspected by the academic community to be related to tombs.
首届深圳时装周将于3月20~24日亮相。深圳时装周由深圳市人民政府主办,深圳市服装行业协会联手全球时尚业界领袖IMG国际管理集团精心打造。届时,按照国际标准全新操盘的华侨城欢乐海岸6000平方米的主会场,将呈现30多场新锐前沿的国际时装作品发布秀。  深圳时装周将以“独立原创设计与商业落地并重”的多元发布格局,打造“国外设计师进入中国市场的最佳窗口及中国品牌走向国际的重要平台”。此外,深圳时装周的
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1985~1989年问我院共收治硫酸铜致溶血性贫血5例。男1例,女4例,年龄16~45岁。硫酸铜洗胃时的用量为30~65g。从硫酸铜洗胃到出现溶血的时间为1~5天。 From 1985 to 1989, we ask
1 概述 按照1992年6月的内阁会议中所决定的日本生活大国五年计划,运输部门也把重点放在了以发展丰富生活为目标的运输政策上,因此,在各个领域都积极投入研究和抓住机遇开展
拥有智慧的人,总是把嘴巴放在心里,而愚昧肤浅的人,反而把心放在嘴巴上。——聪明的人,想的多说的少;愚笨的人,说的多想的少。 Wise people always put their mouths in the
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