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The hardworking blacksmith2 Jones used to work all day in his shop and so hard-working was he that at times he would make the sparks fly from his hammer3 . The son of Mr. Smith, a rich neighbor, used to come to see the blacksmith everyday and for hours and hours he would enjoy himself watching how the tradesman4 worked. “Young man, why don’t you try your hand5 at making shoe tacks, even if it is only to pass the time?6” said the blacksmith. The hardworking blacksmith2 Jones used to work all day in his shop and so hard-working was he that times times he would make the sparks fly from his hammer3. The son of Mr. Smith, a rich neighbor, used to come to see the blacksmith everyday and for hours and hours he would enjoy himself watching how the tradesman4 worked. “Young man, why do not you try your hand5 at making shoe tacks, even if it is only to pass the time? 6 ” said the blacksmith .
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亨斯迈(Huntsman)的两款热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)产品,IROGRAN和AVALON,正在推动汽车配件的运输方式发生变革,为代工生产商(OEM)和汽车制造商节省大量时间和金钱。 Huntsman’s tw
根据我国当前水利施工质量管理的现状进行了分析,就其中的质量监督管理方面提出了相应的对策。 According to the present status of our country’s water conservancy con