Study on Hypertext Based on Concept Net

来源 :西南师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyanyan09eight
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Based on hypertexts definition, this paper researches the psychology theory of hypertext and disorientation in it, and studies the problems existing in the situation when hypertext is used in Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). This paper presents an idea of using concept net as hypertexts psychology theory and hierarchy structure as main trunk to construct hypertext, which combined with navigator can reduce disorientation and is adaptive for CAI. Based on hypertext s definition, this paper researches the psychology theory of hypertext and disorientation in it, and studies the problems existing in the situation when hypertext is used in Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). This paper presents an idea of ​​using concept net as hypertext s psychology theory and hierarchy structure as main trunk to construct hypertext, which combined with navigator can reduce disorientation and is adaptive for CAI.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。百年老校 风华正茂——广州培英中学创建国家示范性高中巡礼@罗剑华 Please download to view, this article does not suppor
在十几年的幼教工作中,我努力调整教师的角色定位,把它落实到教育教学的一个个细小环节上,尝试着用童心、爱心、耐心真诚地面对幼儿,收到了很好的成效。  【关键词】爱;孩子  1 爱的抚摸,让孩子感受温暖  每天午睡之后,我都要给女孩们梳头,有几个男孩总是在旁边围着看。有一次梳头时,看到小男孩沿锦的头发有点乱,我就顺手给他梳了几下。第二天,蔺沿锦的妈妈告诉我,平时不愿上幼儿园的儿子今天却没说不上幼儿园,
人民日报最近在第二版推出读图专栏——《一举一动见公德》,图片一一览来,心有所感。 公德系于小节。“我国民所最缺者,公德其一端也”。这是梁启超先生百年前所言。百年一
文章结合实践,就公安机关目标管理的目标设置存在的主要问题,提出了作者的几点设想。 Based on the practice of the article, this paper sets forth the main problems ex