Random Thoughts On Praying for Rain

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Drought bites again, and people are craving for rain but it doesn’t rain. That brings back my childhood memory of people in my native town—officials plus the local gentry and elderly—going to the Dragon King Temple to pray for rain. Before that, they would fast and perform ablution. Once in the temple, they would offer sacrifices to the “Dragon King,” a fierce-looking clay or wooden sculpture, who is said to take charge of distributing rain. Amid smoke that kept rising Drought bites again, and people are craving for rain but it does not rain. That brings back my childhood memory of people in my native town-officials plus the local gentry and elderly-going to the Dragon King Temple to pray for rain. Before that, they would fast and perform ablution. Once in the temple, they would offer sacrifices to the “Dragon King,” a fierce-looking clay or wooden sculpture, who is said to take charge of distributing rain. Amid smoke that kept rising
离开卢森堡东行约45公里,沿着欧洲少见的盘山公路而下,我们便来到了卡尔·马克思的故乡——特里尔。 首先映入眼帘的恐怕要算是正在涨水的摩泽尔河和横架在河上的罗马桥。这
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本研究基于流式细胞仪、荧光酶标仪、激光共聚焦扫描显微镜等细胞组学分析技术,系统研究了藻液细胞浓度、Nile Red浓度、助溶剂种类和浓度,以及染色温度、染色时间、振荡时间
20 0 2年年底 ,2万件国家珍贵礼品搬进新家。当我们来到位于北京市西城区六铺炕 1号院 ,迎上前来的国际友谊博物馆馆长罗伯健指着一座浅蓝色三层建筑对记者说 :“这就是我们