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丹妮在一家外贸公司工作。她负责的一个欧洲客户,合作几年来下单都如蜻蜓点水,这一季突然订单量猛涨,一跃成为公司的主力。丹妮乐得合不拢嘴,心想这多半是得益于上季的一个小插曲。那时,丹妮接了这个客人一笔非常棘手的单。虽然数量不小,但生产到一半时,客人修改了设计稿,而且拒绝延期交货。彼时上万米的布料已经剪裁,按客人的修改意见,这批裁好的布料就作废了。她原本计划通知客人这批货来不及改,并请老板出面,请求客人 Danny works in a foreign trade company. She is responsible for a European customer, the contract is superficial a few years of cooperation, sudden orders soared this season, has become the company’s main force. Danielle ear to ear, I thought most of this is due to an episode of the previous quarter. At that moment, Danny took the guest a very tricky ticket. Although the number is not small, but the production to half, the guests modify the design draft, but also refused to postpone the delivery. At that time tens of thousands of meters of cloth has been cut, according to the guest’s comments, this batch of good cloth scrapped. She originally planned to inform the guests that these goods too late to change, and asked the boss to come forward and request guests
OBJECTIVE Recently,some reports show that curcuma has a good curative effect on the treatment of psoriasis;while curcuma has many components,so the present stud
近两年来,湖北孝感职业技术学院先后从美国来了两位女教师,我早就想了解一下她们在中国的工作、生活情况。在金秋之季,我见到了我要采访的美国人:舍尔曼和苏姗。 52岁的舍尔
Objective: To investigate the protective effects and mechanisms of Radix Astragali Injection on multiple organs of rats with obstructive jaundice(OJ). Methods:
OPS(Optical Parking System)可视驻车系统实际上就是驻车辅助系统——俗称驻车雷达——的功能扩展。可视驻车系统将驻车雷达的超声波传感器接收障碍物发射回来的超声波信号
虽然在统计学中,只有精确到0.05或者0.01的概率才能称之为小概率.但我依然要将此次采访的4位英菲尼迪车主在性格上的相似.定义为一次小概率事件。 Although in statistics,
急性呼吸道感染在婴幼儿所患疾病中占首要地位,其中小儿肺炎的发病率很高.本文通过对287例小儿胸片分析,就胸部平片对婴幼儿肺炎的诊断价值进行探讨. Acute respiratory inf