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当前在我国学界,已经形成了一股探析《资本论》中的哲学思想的研究热潮。在对这一主题的探讨中,离不开对西方思想史上既有研究成果的批判吸收。在思想史的沧海之中,就有这样一枚“遗珠”有待我们去发掘、考察,这就是形成于20世纪60年代下半叶的联邦德国的新马克思阅读运动。在经历了近三十年的马克思哲学研究传统的断层后,即20世纪60年代,在以霍克海默、阿多诺为代表的法兰克福学派思想家的影响下,德国年轻一代学者开始了“回到”马克思思想的过程,正是在这一潮流中,形成了以巴克豪斯、莱希尔特为代表的新马克思阅读运动。这一运动首先将视域集中在对马克思的政治经济学批判特别是马克思的价值形式理论之上,通过重建马克思价值形式理论中的辩证法思想,进而为法兰克福学派的批判理论奠定政治经济学的基础。在这一思想探索中,新马克思阅读运动一方面拒斥了传统马克思主义对《资本论》的“通俗化”阐释,另一方面又力图克服西方马克思主义传统中的人本主义线索的弊端。新马克思阅读运动在德国乃至德国之外,已经影响了三代思想家,这一思想传统尽管并未在思想史上名声大噪,但却润物无声。在21世纪,更有一批学者重新将目光集中在这一思想传统之上,做出了一系列探索。正因此,本辑特推出了新马克思阅读运动代表人物巴克豪斯的《新马克思阅读的开端》一文。这篇文章是他1997年的文集《价值形式的辩证法——马克思经济学批判研究》的导言,在其中巴克豪斯详细叙述了新马克思阅读运动得以产生的思想渊源,及其理论意图。希望本文可以帮助我们了解这一段思想史,从中得到一些对我们当下的《资本论》哲学研究有所帮助的内容。 At present in our academic circle, a research boom has been formed that explores the philosophical thinking in Capital. In discussing this theme, we can not do without the critical absorption of the existing research results in the history of Western thought. In the sea of ​​intellectual history, there is such a “legacy bead” to be explored and investigated by us. This is the new Marxist reading movement in the Federal Republic of Germany formed in the second half of the 1960s. After nearly three decades of the tradition of Marxist philosophy, that is, in the 1960s, under the influence of Frankfurt school thinker represented by Horkheimer and Adorno, young German scholars started “ It is in this trend that the new Marxist reading movement represented by Barkhouse and Lehrty was formed. This movement first focused on the critique of Marx’s political economy, especially Marx’s theory of value forms, and laid the foundations of political economy by reconstructing the dialectical ideas in Marx’s theory of value forms and of the Frankfurt School’s critical theory . In this exploration of thoughts, the New Marxist Reading Movement rejected the traditional Marxist interpretation of ”capitalism“ on the one hand, and tried to overcome the humanistic clue in the Western Marxist tradition on the other hand Disadvantages. The new Marxist reading movement outside Germany and even Germany has affected three generations of thinkers. Although this tradition of thought did not make a name for itself in the history of ideas, it was morally silent. In the 21st century, more and more scholars have re-focused their attention on this ideological tradition and made a series of explorations. This is why this series introduces the article entitled ”The Beginning of New Marxism“ by Barkhouse, a representative of the New Marxist Reading Movement. This article is an introduction to his 1997 anthology Dialectics of Value - A Critical Study of Marxist Economics, in which Barkhouse elaborates on the origins of the New Marxist Reading Movement and its theoretical intentions. I hope this article can help us to understand this section of the history of ideas, from which we can get some content that is helpful to our current ”capitalist" philosophical research.
摘要:课改后的美术课,应该给课堂教学示范多点花样,使美术课堂五彩缤纷,惊奇不断。花样一、现场直观示范引导,激发学生丰富想象。花样二、参与学生共同示范,巧妙引导学生想象。花样三、小露一手,引发集体崇拜。  关键词:教学示范;花样  中图分类号:G623.7文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)17-077-1  随着科学技术的发展,现代教育技术手段也是日新月异。神奇的百度,给我
1.刘星:“等你看见大猩猩之后,你就知道你的两个弟弟长得多么的帅了!”2.刘星:“我顶着压力上了这么多年学都没离家出走,你们不觉 1. Liu Xing: ”Wait until you see the
你知道什么是“疯帽子下午茶”吗?  在大名鼎鼎的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中,爱丽丝曾经来到三月兔的家。当时,三月兔、疯帽子和睡鼠正在举行疯狂的下午茶聚会。疯帽子告诉爱丽丝,由于自己受到惩罚,时间被永远停留在下午六点,也就是下午茶时间,所以,他们不得不整天都吃茶点。而爱丽丝更是遭遇了他们的“猜谜语”活动轰炸,最后不得不离开。  今年,英国的一家酒店为纪念《爱丽丝梦游仙境》出版150周年,特别推出了“疯帽子
干式电抗器是变电站中的复杂电气设备,与其他设备相比这种设备在地震作用下的动力响应更为复杂。对由复合材料构成支撑结构的110k V干式电抗器进行抗震性能振动台试验研究,通