
来源 :辽宁果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq279301979
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我国梨树栽培品种丰富多采,各具优点。每个梨区都有它自己独特的优良地方品种;千百年来,一直受到人们的重视和喜爱。随着人民生活的提高,人们不但对品种的品质风味,而且根据地区、条件不同,对另些性状也提出更高的要求。任何梨树育种计划都必须考虑这些要求,才能使育成的新品种在生产中得到推广与应用。我们于1951年在辽宁兴城开始梨树杂交育种。迄1977年先后二十七年间,分四批杂交,共168个组合,培育6894个单株。其中第一批为1951~1952年杂交,计29组合291单株,主 Pear cultivars in our country are rich and varied, each with its own advantages. Each pear district has its own unique and excellent local variety; for thousands of years, has been subject to people’s attention and love. With the improvement of people’s life, people not only put forward higher requirements on the traits of other traits, but also on the quality and flavor of the cultivars, and according to the regions and conditions. Any pear tree breeding program must consider these requirements in order to make the breeding of new varieties in the promotion of production and application. We started the cross breeding of pear trees in Xingcheng, Liaoning in 1951. As of 1977 twenty-seven years in succession, in four batches of hybridization, a total of 168 combinations, breed 6894 single plant. The first batch of hybrids from 1951 to 1952, accounting for 29 combinations of 291 single plant, the main
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  This study stratified random select 200 teachers and four master training unit and 400 graduate students in the university of X provincial as the investigat
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1. 中學英语教学现状分析  受到传统教学方式的影响,教师对英语的教学缺乏创新,机械的按照书本内容进行讲课,对于学生学习英语的主动性大大忽略了。传统的英语教学模式一味强调学生对英语单词、英语语法死记硬背,不讲求学习技巧,长此以往就会使得学生失去学习兴趣,甚至对英语学习产生厌烦。在中学英语教学过程中恰当使用情境教学法能在很大程度上弥补传统教学手段的弊端,情境教学法充分尊重学生是课堂的主体地位,以促进
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