Effects of Ethanol Extract of POLLEN TYPHAE on Immune Function in C57BL/6 Tumor Bearing Mice

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[Objective] To study the effects of ethanol extract of POLLEN TYPHAE(EEPT)on immune function in C57BL/6 tumor bearing mice.[Method] Taking tumor inhibition rate as index,antitumor activity of EEPT in vivo was investigated by establishing transplanted Lewis tumor mice.The tumor inhibition rate,spleen index and thymus index were respectively determined.The proliferation of spleen lymphocyte and contents of IL-2 and TNF-α in tumor bearing mice were respectively determined by MTT assay and ELISA method.[Result] 100 mg/kg·d EEPT had a significant inhibitory action on the growth of tumor,whose tumor inhibition rate was 48.3%.The three dose groups of EEPT could raise spleen index and thymus index.Meanwhile,100 and 200 mg/kg·d EEPT could significantly increase not only proliferation of spleen lymphocyte,but also the content of IL-2 and TNF-α.[Conclusion] EEPT could promote the function of humoral immunity and cellular immunity in C57BL/6 tumor bearing mice. [Objective] To study the effects of ethanol extract of POLLEN TYPHAE (EEPT) on immune function in C57BL / 6 tumor bearing mice. [Method] Taking tumor inhibition rate as index, antitumor activity of EEPT in vivo was investigated by establishing transplanted Lewis tumor mice. The tumor inhibition rate, spleen index and thymus index were determined by the assay. The proliferation of spleen lymphocyte and contents of IL-2 and TNF-α in tumor bearing mice were detected by MTT assay and ELISA method. / kg · d EEPT had a significant inhibitory action on the growth of tumor, whose tumor inhibition rate was 48.3%. The three dose groups of EEPT could raise spleen index and thymus index. Meanwhile while 100 and 200 mg / kg · d EEPT could significantly increase not only proliferation of spleen lymphocytes, but also the content of IL-2 and TNF-a. [Conclusion] EEPT could promote the function of humoral immunity and cellular immunity in C57BL / 6 tumor bearing mice.
研究人工航槽的自然回淤规律和回淤上的特性变化,对航道进行合理的疏浚和维护具有重要的现实意义。本文试图就长江口铜沙老航槽自然回淤作初步分析。 一 长江口铜沙航槽于19
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【摘要】教学质量是教学的根本,如何提高教学质量是我们每一位教师都应该长期思考的问题,但是这个教学的基本环节却长期没有得到重视。要想提高教学质量,努力提高自身素养是关键;要想提高教学质量,我们必须研究学生;要提高教学质量,我们必须研究课程;要提高教学质量,我们必须研究教学。  【关键词】教学观念 教学质量  【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】20
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