Chinese TV 2012:The Victory of an“Imported”Voice

来源 :China Today | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ninghaitao
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LIU Huan was well known as a singer before 2008. But it was his rendition of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games’ official theme song that catapulted Liu into the stratosphere of domestic stardom. When Liu announced earlier this year that he would not be reappearing as a judge on the new season of The Voice of China, it made headlines. LIU Huan was well known as a singer before 2008. But it was his rendition of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games’ official theme song that catapulted Liu into the stratosphere of domestic stardom. When Liu announced earlier this year that he would not be reappearing as a judge on the new season of The Voice of China, it made headlines.
In this paper, we consider a full.duplex multiple.input multiple.output(MIMO) relaying network with the decode.and.forward(DF) protocol. Due to the full.duplex
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