
来源 :压力容器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HUAXIAHK
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The purpose of this paper is to provide a research result of the inelastic stress analysis for the vessel-nozzle intersection with large opening (d/D≥0 5) under increasing internal pressure loading by test and non-linear finite element method. The determination of the limit load due to the internal pressure is performed by experimental study to compare with those from the finite element analysis results. The spread procedure of plastic area for the analytical model vessel is provided. Also this paper provides some data to serve as the proofs of the existing design method and the basis for developing a advanced design guideline of large diameter ratio shell intersections under internal pressure loading. The purpose of this paper is to provide a research result of the inelastic stress analysis for the vessel-nozzle intersection with large opening (d / D ≧ 05) under increasing internal pressure loading by test and non-linear finite element method. of the limit load due to the internal pressure is performed by experimental study to compare with from the finite element analysis results. The spread procedure of plastic area for the analytical model vessel is provided. Also this paper provides some data to serve as the proofs of the existing design method and the basis for developing a advanced design guideline of large diameter ratio shell intersections under internal pressure loading.
戴克公司的 Rolf Eckrodt 出任三菱汽车公司的首席执行官后,今年烧出的头把火就是扩大三菱汽车公司和戴克集团的销售合作。目前,两公司已于1月份成立一个联合小组,完成新合
最近,民谣界发生了一件大事。  瑞典学院将2016年度诺贝尔文学奖颁给了75岁的美国摇滚、民谣艺术家鲍勃·迪伦。诺贝尔文学奖委员会常任秘书萨拉·达尼乌斯称赞他为英语文学传统中的伟大诗人。“如果回到2500年前,你会发现荷马和萨福创作的诗歌,本身就是为了让别人听到,也就表示,这些诗词本身就是为表演而做,有时还会用到乐器,就像现在的迪伦一样。”  在顾悦(独立民谣音乐人、文学博士、上海外国语大学英语学
起重机结构压弯构件的稳定性计算与轴压构件稳定性计算的重要区别在于压弯构件不仅要考虑一类分支失稳 ,还要考虑由于压弯效应引起的边缘屈服。由于轴压力的作用 ,使压弯构件
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目的准确定位大圆肌神经入肌点(NEP)的体表位置和穿刺深度。方法 12具中国成年人尸体。设计紧贴皮肤连接颈静脉切迹最低点至肩峰尖为横向参考线(H线)、颈静脉切迹最低点至剑