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2014年8月起,岛城供气将更为充足。2013年9月22日,从山东省环保厅获悉,中石化济青输气管道二线工程环评公示内容显示,该项目投资36亿元,将横跨山东省7个地市的14个区县。届时,天津、新疆的气源将进入山东省。据了解,新管道设计压力是11年前修建管道的两倍,届时大量天然气和煤制气将源源不断供应岛城。中石化在山东省内的输气管道主要有济南-青岛输气管道、莱州-胶州输气管道等。其中济南-青岛输气管道(以下简称济青线)承担了输 Starting from August 2014, Shima Cheng supply will be more adequate. On September 22, 2013, it was informed from the Shandong Provincial Department of Environmental Protection that the content of the environmental impact assessment for the second-tier construction of the Sinopec Jiqing Gas Pipeline Project shows that the project will invest 3.6 billion yuan and will cross 14 districts and counties in 7 cities of Shandong Province. By then, Tianjin, Xinjiang gas source will enter Shandong Province. It is understood that the new pipeline design pressure is twice the pipeline 11 years ago to build, when a large number of natural gas and coal gas will be an endless supply of island city. Sinopec gas pipelines in Shandong Province are mainly Jinan - Qingdao gas pipeline, Laizhou - Jiaozhou gas pipeline. Among them, Jinan - Qingdao Gas Pipeline (hereinafter referred to Ji-Qing line) assumed the loser
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