Arginine bi-directional translocation and breakdown into ornithine along the arbuscular mycorrhizal

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fngdi
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Bi-directional translocation and degradation of Arginine (Arg) along the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal mycelium were testified through 15N and/or 13C isotopic labeling. In vitro mycorrhizas of Glomus intraradices and Ri T-DNA-transformed carrot roots were grown in dual compartment Petri dishes. [15N- and/or13C]Arg was supplied to either the fungal compartment or the mycorrhizal compartment or separate dishes containing the uncolonized roots. The levels and labeling of free amino acids (AAs) in the mycorrhizal roots and in the extraradical mycelia(ERM) were measured by gas chromatogra- phy/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The ERM of AM fungi exposed in either NH4+ or urea as sole external nitrogen source had much higher 15N enrichment of Arg, compared with those in nitrate or exogenous Arg; however, glycerol supplied as an external car- bon source to the ERM had no significant effect on the level of Arg in the ERM. Meanwhile, Arg bio- synthesized in the ERM could be translocated intact to the mycorrhizal roots and thereby the level of Arg in the mycorrhizal roots increased to about 20% after culture of ERM in 4 mmol/L NH4+ for 6 weeks. Also Arg was found to be bi-directionally transported along the AM fungal mycelium through [U-13C]Arg labeling either in the mycorrhizal compartment or in the fungal compartment. Once Arg was translo- cated to the potential N-limited sites, it would be further degraded into ornithine (Orn) and urea since either [U-13C] or [U-15N/U-13C]Orn was apparently shown up in the mycorrhizal root tissues when [U-13C] or [U-15N/U-13C]Arg was labeled in the fungal compartment, respectively. Evidently Orn formation indi- cated the ongoing activities of Arg translocation and degradation through the urea cycle in AM fungal mycelium. Bi-directional translocation and degradation of Arginine (Arg) along the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal mycelium were testified through 15N and / or 13C isotopic labeling. In vitro mycorrhizas of Glomus intraradices and Ri T-DNA- transformed carrot roots were grown in dual The levels and labeling of free amino acids (AAs) in the mycorrhizal roots and in the extraradical The ERM of AM fungi exposed in either NH4 + or urea as sole external nitrogen source had much higher 15N enrichment (GC-MS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of Arg, compared with those in nitrate or exogenous Arg; however, glycerol supplied as an external car- bon source to the ERM had no significant effect on the level of Arg in the ERM. Meanwhile, Arg bio- syn thesized in the ERM could be translocated intact to the mycorrhizal roots and thereby the level of Arg in the mycorrhizal roots increased to about 20% after culture of ERM in 4 mmol / L NH4 + for 6 weeks. Also Arg was found to be bi-directionally carries along the AM fungal mycelium through [U-13C] Arg labeling either in the mycorrhizal compartment or in the fungal compartment. Once Arg was translo- cated to the potential N-limited sites, it would be further degraded into ornithine (Orn) and urea since either [U-13C] or [U-15N / U-13C] Orn was apparently shown up in the mycorrhizal root tissues when [U- 13C] or [U- 15N / U- 13C] Arg was labeled in the fungal compartment, respectively. Evidently Orn formation indi- cated the ongoing activities of Arg translocation and degradation through the urea cycle in AM fungal mycelium.
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10月24日 晴  今天,房老师带我们出门了。我们排成两队,每两人一组,一个当摄影师,一个当照相机,给菜园“拍照”。  到了菜园,我们都拍起照来。我和邹宇新是搭档,先是邹宇新当照相机,我来当摄影师。我想拍树枝,就把“照相机”往上一些,按拍照键,“咔嚓”,树枝拍下来了。我问“照相机”拍到了什么?“照相机”说:“我拍到了许多朝天小辣椒。”我很疑惑,树枝上怎么会有小辣椒呢?再仔细一看,原来树叶是朝天长的