
来源 :南京师大学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ayun33
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应商业部门的要求,我们研制了一种商用电子计算机,能够作为简便的计算工具用,同时还能作为企业管理用。该机的主要特点是设置了二条“直接累加存储器线路”使用了这种特殊线路后,可以简便的完成商业部门经常碰到的各种混合运算,克服了过去一些台机操作麻烦,复杂的缺点,同时利用其中一条存储器还可以累计全天的营业额等。该机所采用的一些特殊线路,使操作不熟练的人员在操作该机时也不易出错。整机逻辑线路所使用的集成块较少,易于有关人员学习、使用,维修方便。本文首先用方框图介绍整机的基本工作原理,然后用逻辑图介绍该机的逻辑线路特点。 At the request of the commercial sector, we developed a commercial electronic computer that can be used as a simple calculation tool, but also as a business management tool. The main features of the aircraft is set up two “direct accumulation of memory lines” After the use of this special line, you can easily complete the commercial sector often encounter a variety of hybrid computing, overcoming the past some of the troublesome operation of the machine, the shortcomings of complex , While using one of the memory can also be accumulated day-long turnover and so on. The machine used by some special lines, so unskilled operators in the operation of the machine is not easy to make mistakes. The integrated circuit blocks used by the whole logic circuit are few and easy to learn, use and maintain conveniently. This paper first introduces the basic working principle of the whole machine with a block diagram, and then introduces the logical circuit characteristics of the machine with a logic diagram.