Fracture Toughness and Microcracks on Natural Apophyllite Crystals

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hegangcd2
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Results on fracture toughness of natural apophyllite crystals when subjected to impact are presented. The morphology of the cracks and fracture has been studied. It is found that the crack formation does not show any anisotropic property and remains the same whatever may be the orientation of the crystal. The average values of the fracture toughness KC and brittleness index, as determined from measurements of crack length, are estimated to be 0.107 gμm-3/2and 4.19μm-1/2 respectively for the a(100) plane. The yield strength forα(100), p(111) and c(001) planes of apophyllite crystals for lower loads is 2250. 2160 and 1840 MPa and for higher loads is 1510, 1600 and 1430 MPa respectively Results on fracture toughness of natural apophyllite crystals when subjected to impact are presented. The morphology of the cracks and fracture has been studied. It is found that the crack formation does not show any anisotropic property and remains the same whatever may may the orientation of the The average values ​​of the fracture toughness KC and brittleness index, as determined from measurements of crack length, are estimated to be 0.107 gμm-3/2 and 4.19 μm-1/2 respectively for the a (100) plane. The yield strength forα (100), p (111) and c (001) planes of apophyllite crystals for lower loads are 2250. 2160 and 1840 MPa and for higher loads are 1510, 1600 and 1430 MPa respectively
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